Friday, 27 February 2015

Entertainment and Social Media Make a Great Combo

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When it comes to the entertainment world, the recent Oscars show in Hollywood was seen worldwide, but not just on television.

The world of social media shared, tweeted, pinned and more for several hours that evening, not to mention the next day about who won, who should have won, who wore what and much more. The lead up to the annual gala also brought millions of people to social media to offer their thoughts on what films and personalities stood out.

Now imagine if your brand could get even one-fourth of that attention on social media.

Is that something you would like? More importantly, is that something that would improve your company’s revenue stream over time?

Picture Social Networking

Whether you own or work for a well-known company or one that is known by much smaller numbers, you should never overlook the power of social media.

Sure, you may not have thousands and thousands or even millions of followers on Twitter or Facebook as such high-profile entertainment companies and entertainers do, but the potential is there to grow your brand’s recognition.

Perhaps you are promoting Time Warner Cable or any number of other television/Internet/phone providers and are looking to gain a social advantage.

While Time Warner Cable has nearly 90,000 Twitter followers, your company may very well only have a fraction of that figure. How do you not only up that figure, but also socialize your brand to the point it becomes a household name?

Among the areas to focus in on include:

  • Not spreading yourself too thin – Instead of trying to be on numerous social sites, turn your focus to being relevant on a few, thereby increasing your following;

  • Socializing continually – While you don’t want or need to be on social media 24/7, you do need a regular presence. Make sure you are tweeting, sharing, pinning etc. numerous times during the week;

  • Worthwhile messages – It is also important that your tweets, shares, pins etc. are relevant and serve a value to the reader. If you’re using social media just to use social media, your relevancy will be minimal at best;

  • Being a networker – Another important facet of a successful social media strategy is sharing the wealth. Retweet and share interesting and informative posts from others, especially those in your industry. Those folks are more likely to spread your brand’s name around when you do so in kind.

While some business owners fret about spending time, effort and even money in some cases on social media, others know it can work for their brands.

No matter what the size of your company is, take a lesson from the world of entertainment as it pertains to social media.

You don’t have to be a rock star, household actor or actress, or entertainment company known the world-over to be a hit on social media.

Put a winning strategy together and entertain the thoughts of seeing your brand win an award for best social production.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti at

from Darlene Milligan via social advertising

from Tumblr

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