Thursday, 26 March 2015

Expand Your Reach with Visual Social Media Marketing

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Using social media as a marketing technique enables you to build a following; that is a proven fact and a fact that no one disputes. However, using visuals within your social media marketing campaign increases your odds of success by a hundredfold, if not more! Why? In order to answer that you first need to understand how pictures impact an ad campaign. Then, once you’ve understood why images are so important, you can learn how to employ graphics to enhance visual social media marketing.

Royalty free photo

Life is Traveling at the Speed of Light

In today’s world, everything progresses at the speed of light – literally as well as figuratively. All the information we need is at our fingertips with the click of a mouse button. Few people take the time to read anything unless something immediately strikes their fancy. Here is where visuals come into play in social media marketing. A captivating image will get more clicks than content that no-one has the time to read!

Every Picture Tells a Story

In the words of a song by the famed British rocker, Rod Stewart, every picture tells a story. Just one image can speak volumes if the right image is used. For example, think about all the words it would take to describe the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding gown. If you were a fashion designer trying to sell that ‘Kate Middleton look’ it would be so much easier to put one simple, but lovely picture of that gown on your social media pages. The object of social media is to build a following to promote your brand. Is anyone really going to understand the beauty of your wedding dresses with mere words? It’s highly doubtful!

“But I’m Not into Graphic Design”

This is perhaps the number one objection amongst online merchants and bloggers trying to set up their own websites. With no background in graphic design they are afraid to dabble with visuals. Unless they can find a freely available standard image, they refuse to add depth to their social media marketing. The good news is that there are a number of programs that are user-friendly and can walk you through the steps of creating amazing graphics from stills through to animated product demos. Web-based utilities like Visme have multi-tool functionality that is easy to use so that even a novice can create amazing visuals in just moments.

Failure Is Not an Option

Over the years so many people have tried (and failed!) to use standard computer software to dabble with graphics. The cost is through the roof and without a background in graphic design, it can be an exercise in futility. Having recognised the importance of visual social media marketing, it’s time to get on the bandwagon. Whether you are an entrepreneur setting up that very first website or a web development start-up, it’s time to expand reach with visual social media marketing. There’s no reason not to with user-friendly web-based utilities available.

Say it all with a single image and then, when they’ve clicked through, tell them your story in words. That’s what social media visuals can do. Entice them with an image, get them to your site, then talk them into staying.

from Darlene Milligan via increase website traffic

from Tumblr

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