Erik Qualman’s new book, What Happens on Campus Stays on YouTube, provides great tips and stories for high school and college students everywhere. As a college student in today’s digital age, The New Rules of Reputation are more important than ever. It’s easy for us students to think that we already know the importance of online presence when we are being reminded about it daily but this book goes beyond the typical “don’t post stupid things on Facebook” we are usually told. This book tells students how to change their digital presence to help their future, how to protect their identity online and offline, how to use social media to help their career and provides real life examples of lessons learned by individuals and companies.
Out of the 36 New Rules of Reputation, two that stood out to me were Rule #12 and Rule #21. Rule #12 is Post It Forward. Social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are great for connecting with people. By endorsing someone on LinkedIn or sharing something someone posted on Facebook, you make them feel good which makes you feel happy and they just might return the favor for you.
Rule #21 is Make Ginormous Public Goals. Students are always told to make goals and have goals set for themselves. Using digital tools to accomplish goals sets you more accountable for what you want and sharing with your friends and followers lets them know what you want and they may be able to help you.
All of the rules provide important lessons for students. I was able to take something from each one and apply it to my own digital reputation and digital presence.
When thinking about preparing for the real world, college seniors think about updating their social media sites by making everything super private in hopes that employers won’t be able to find them. But this isn’t how they should be approaching social media and their career. This book tells students the importance of using social media to build your network and provides excellent tips on how to update social media to showcase your work or leverage your online presence to help land your dream job.
What Happens on Campus Stays on YouTube provides real life student success stories which can inspire any student to use digital to help them achieve their dreams. It shows how students used the power of online and their digital presence to make something happen. The real world is often a scary thought for students, but these stories can provide students with the reassurance of how the online world can help them.
This book is so important for students because it tells students how to use their digital presence to help themselves. As high school and college seniors are approaching graduation, this book has lessons they can take with them to college or to the real world.
What Happens on Campus Stays on YouTube is available now on Amazon.
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