Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Adoptions Becoming More Socialized

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Just like everything around us, adoption is becoming more socialized – with social media, that is.

Social media has some grand power to it, and it shouldn’t be overlooked when taking on the adoption process.

What are people doing regarding adoption and social media?

As far as potential parents using social media – there are quite a few popular platforms.

Let’s take a look:

Blogs – This is a big one for potential adoptive parents. Many couples create blogs solely based on their desire to become parents. These aren’t random blogs dabbled in as a hobby, they are serious reflections of the couple and how much parenting means to them, glimpses of their lifestyle and stories of their search. Friends can chime in adding testimonials and references, and agencies and birth mothers can see what this family has to offer.

Facebook – Of course, Facebook. Not only can the above blog be posted onto Facebook, but it’s a great forum for a call out to adoption possibilities. You never know who may be experiencing the same journey, who has found children through adoption and wants to share their experience, and great links to possibilities.  Some potential parents decide to create a Facebook page dedicated to their adoption journey, some incorporate it into their current one, and some do both.

• Adoption agency profiles – Many adoption agencies feature profiles of their clients, the potential parents. This is a great way for couples to showcase themselves in the search for a baby or child.

Know the Risks

Looking to adopt is a risk.

You’ve got to put yourself out there and be willing to step outside the comfort zone of privacy, but the ultimate goal is a family, and it’s worth it.

Remember, though, the birth mother has risks herself and can use some help, too.

As a birth mother, it’s important to seek professional help in the adoption process.

As the following article looks at, 4 Reasons Every Birth Mother Needs Professional Adoption Help include:

• Legal Help – She needs to make sure everything is in order and everyone protected for the adoption.

• Emotional Help – Too often, the birth mother is on her own. Professional help with people experienced in the adoption process can offer a great deal of emotional support during this time.

• Medical Help – Again, often a birth mother is on her own and may not be aware of medical issues, including basic prenatal care. There could be issues during delivery and with professional help; she can have support in this area.

• A Network – Like the emotional help, professional help can provide a network of experienced people who have either been through this personally, or by helping others through it.

For both the birth mother and the family looking to adopt, adoption is an emotional roller coaster. The ultimate goal is having the baby in a healthy, nurturing environment to grow and thrive and be loved.

Whatever measures it takes, through social media, professional help and dedication, this is very possible.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Shutterstock

About the Author: Heather Legg is a writer covering topics including social media, family matters and women’s issues.

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