Businesses want to make as much money as possible by spending as little as possible. Although if businesses had the choice to spend nothing at all and make sales, it would be most welcomed. Search strategies have played a vital role in businesses lead and sale generation strategy since the launch of Google and their Adwords platform. As the platform and businesses become savvier with search marketing strategies that enhance their profits by making their campaigns more efficient, many businesses are still struggling to realise the benefits of running a synchronised SEO and PPC strategy. The pros of executing a synergised campaign outweigh the short term costs that the business needs to invest in. Search Engine Land shared results from a case study conducted in 2013 concluded that a search cannibalisation campaign led to an increase in direct sales. To strike the ultimate search marketing gold, businesses and digital marketing agencies must be courageous in taking the business risk to invest in search synergy. And here is why.
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Running a PPC & SEO campaign improves your business’s share of voice in the search space.
In organic search, you will usually see up to ten listings on the first page. For paid search, you may see between 1-7 (or more) depending on the results presented for the search keyword. Businesses need to claim their pieces of search real estate, to be in front of the active buyer who is searching for information related to their buying decision.
The rule of more is a way of the consumer validating the credibility when deciding which site to visit during their consumer journey. In a way, this adds to the pitching process when consumers are making a decision on who to go with.
Improve the search competitiveness of your website
It is a dogfight to gain the search listings on Google for both paid and organic search campaigns. Although there isn’t a direct correlation between paid and organic search, there is an opportunity to boost the visibility of organic and paid search landing pages to outperform competitors that are vying for the same customers on the same keywords.
Leverage learnings and take-aways from running campaigns simultaneously
By managing the search campaigns in tandem, you are able to leverage the data and feedback from the campaigns to further improve performance. For example, the data from keyword mining in a paid search campaign can be used to identify prospective keywords to be visible in organic search. The keywords that are identified in the paid search campaigns may also serve as sales conversion keywords as well as discovery keywords that introduce people to the brand.
Developing a stronger understanding of what keywords work for organic
Since Google expanded ‘keyword not provided’ for organic search that is keeping webmasters guessing about the referral and converting keywords from organic search, SEOs are looking towards data around landing pages and the information learned from paid search campaigns to identify target keywords that convert. Paid and organic search data can be seen side by side within the Adwords dashboard. SEOs can learn more from the shared data from paid search campaigns to further enhance their campaign on current SEO pages, as well as to develop content surrounding the keyword opportunities that are learned from paid search.
Intertwining both ‘always on’ and ‘tactical’ campaigns.
SEO and PPC will generally have an always-on campaign that will see the core of the lead generation focus on the same keywords. However, tactical campaigns based around seasons or sales drives, can be enhanced with synergised planning from both execution teams in order to drive more sales during the campaign.
It is time for businesses to take serious action with their search campaign by improving the collaboration efforts between paid and organic search activities. This will yield stronger performance and facilitate the achievement of revenue and profit objectives.
from Darlene Milligan via local SEO company
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