Thursday, 13 August 2015

Drive Consumers to Your E-Commerce Site with Engaging Content

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Keeping website traffic consistently high at your e-commerce site is essential. It’s also important to figure out ways to make guests linger. The longer they stay on your site, the more likely they are to buy something. Keep reading to get some ideas for how you can use interesting content as a primary element of your online marketing strategy.

Use Instructional or Creative Videos

Videos tend to perform very well on social media. That’s why it’s worthwhile to consider making some themed videos about your products, posting them on social media and featuring a call-to-action that encourages people to click over to your site and actually buy something., an e-commerce club that sends razors to subscribers every month, did this very well with a video that has racked up millions of views. With its irreverant yet fascinating tone, this clip clearly caters to the website’s target audience, all while explaining just why people should get their razors through the mail instead of just going to the drugstore.

Attend to the Needs Your Users Have

It’s crucial to make sure your content fills the needs of your users, even if they don’t initially realize those needs exist. Doing that allows you to position your content as something that’s truly helpful, rather than something created to simply drive up profits.

Perhaps more importantly though, if you post content that has genuine value and clear appeal to your audience, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a thought leader in your industry. A fashion and lifestyle website called Dainty Hooligan does that especially well with its longform pieces that feature easy-to-digest text, plus associated images to break up the content.

In addition to having a call to action that encourages people to start shopping and use their newly acquired knowledge, the end of the informative content is complete with social media sharing buttons. Those are smart to include if you’re serious about making your content have a lifespan that’s as lengthy as possible.

Do Something Unexpected

Outdoor clothing retailer Patagonia has made waves several times with a multi-year campaign that encourages people to keep wearing clothes that are still functional, rather urging them to buy new things. Usually, the campaign reaches a peak duriing Black Friday, when consumerism tends to be celebrated.

The company has held clothing swaps, and created a special website that even includes a short film about using clothes thoroughly. The website has several profiles of customers who have faithfully used their Patagonia gear for several years or even longer. There are also tips about how people can repair their clothing, plus sites where wearers can go to recycle the threads once they’ve served their purpose.

This may seem like a counterintuitive approach, but consider it’s an uncommon but effective way to emphasize longevity. When a person buys Patagonia clothing, he or she can expect it to be a great long-term investment that’ll be functional for much longer than one season. When you think about the rugged, outdoors-loving people that make up a large portion of the brand’s customer base, it shouldn’t be hard to see why this tactic really resonates.

Tap Into Passions

The arrival of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte is a sure sign that fall is on the way. The drink also has a very loyal fanbase, and that fact did not escape the brand’s marketing experts. They gave the drink its own hashtag (#PSL), which doubles as the drink’s unique acronym that gets scribbed onto the side of cups to identify the beloved beverage inside.

Furthermore, Starbucks has also held a location-based competition where the winning place would be the first place that year to have the drink available for purchase. To take part, guests had to do specific interactive activities that had points associated with them. The winning city got the drink a week earlier than normal that season.

Although the game was based on Facebook, it’s very likely that the campaign encouraged people to go to the coffee brand’s website, and certainly feel tempted to stop into physical locations once the famous flavored coffee made it onto the menu.

Thanks to these tips and case studies, you should have some great ideas on how to improve your own e-commerce content so it strikes a chord with visitors. Keep in mind, there’s not one approach that’s universally successful. The secret is to thoroughly understand what makes your audience tick, and to create content that matches those characteristics.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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