Monday, 17 August 2015

Today’s Biz and Buzz

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Two years ago, America was able to thank Edward Snowden for leaking top secret NSA documents. We knew that companies were enlisted to help the NSA but no companies were said to be affiliated…until now.

Edward Snowden Phones A Friend

Edward Snowden may have phoned a few friends at AT&T. While it is still possible multiple tech companies leaked some info, AT&T was considered to be unique and
“especially productive” in a BFF kind of way.  According the The New York Times, NSA said “This is a partnership not a contractual relationship” when referring to their relations with AT&T. When caught red handed AT&T declined to say whether or not they helped in the leak saying that, “They don’t comment on measures of national security”.  Wonder what AT&T thought while they helped wiretap the United Nations. Yikes.


From 2003-2013, AT&T was hand-in-hand helping Snowden leak classified documents along with billions of emails which started a national controversy on privacy (Source: CNN).  While it is unclear whether or not AT&T still has a relationship with NSA, we know for sure they were at least dating for awhile.

Quote of the Day: No So Amaz-ing

“You walk out of a conference room and you’ll see a grown man covering his face,” he said. “Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk,” said former Amazon employee in this New York Times article. The expose describes a culture that makes basic training with the marines seem like a day at the beach.

Amazon may be the #1 retailer but it appears their internal culture is far from being #1. Hint: they have secret tools that allow you to tattle tale on your boss and one employee was quoted as saying “Amazon is where overachievers go to feel bad about themselves.”

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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