Friday, 1 May 2015

23 Ivy League Networking Secrets That Actually Work Part 3.

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Welcome back to the final installment of my series 23 Ivy League Networking Secrets That Actually Work.
In the previous 2 blogs we’ve gone over the first 18 secrets and you’ve learned things like what the real point of networking is, how to build rapport, create an in group and much much more.
 In this blog, I’m going to share the final 5 tips and wrap everything up to help you get out there and become a master networker.
          19. Use “Bribes” to Network.

I’m going to hit you with some harsh truth here.

Bribes are often the first step in friendship and business relationships.

Ernest Hemingway once wrote that “ When tipping you are not paying for nothing but in fact buying friendship. I tip the valet and he uses that money for things that make him happy, so he’s happy when he sees me and a real friendship occurs.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

Once you have someone you want to connect with, think about how you can “bribe” them to deepen the relationship.

        20. Use twitter to reach out above your head

I’ve tried to refrain from telling you to “use social media” as much as possible because I think it’s super vague. Where do you start? What sites should you use? Should you spam people?

Twitter is the exception.

The cool thing about twitter is that it allows you to reach out to really high up people up to and including celebrities.

It’s well known that all of the music on the show Entourage was stuff that hit maker Scott Vener in his own words was “bubbling up on the internet.”

Twitter is where things bubble up to important people.

         21.  Focus on the making the other person feel good first.

When you’re networking the most important result to track is how you made the other person feel. If you made the other person feel good, you did a good job networking.

We like and want to help those that make us feel good, so focus on that first.

        22. Focus on improving the 3 Bs:  Beliefs, behavior or belongings

Tim Ferris famously said that to go viral you must threaten the 3 Bs: behavior, beliefs or belongings.

Well to network we want to go the other way and think about what you can do to   agree with the other person’s beliefs, reinforce the correctness of their behavior, and help them improve or acquire their belongings, if you do that you will have networking success.

         23. Don’t take yourself or the event so seriously you don’t enjoy it.

It’s important to have fun, don’t be afraid to be silly, joke around, and make everything a little less serious.

Don’t take networking so seriously that you forget to have fun and enjoy yourself!

So to sum this all up, you know you should go to more networking events, and network more in general, no matter what situation you’re in whether you’re looking for a job or have just started your dream business.

You’ve heard “it’s not what you know, but who you know” and other clichés about meeting the right people, but you just don’t have the right contacts to move your career to the next level.

Before you read this series of posts you might have had questions like:

“Who should I be networking with?”

“How do I get work from a networking event without seeming cheesy or desperate?”

“How do I express my true value to a stranger at a networking event?”

Ryan has provided the answers to these questions for you in this post, I’ve just been lucky enough to jot it all down and bring it to you. I used these very secrets to go from being unemployed with no college degree to making over $300,000 doing corporate presentations using these exact same principles. If you can follow the simple (but not easy) advice in this post, you will make more meaningful business connections then you know what to do with, and you’ll have your choice of jobs, investors, partners, and friends.

The last thing I want to leave you with is a little piece of wisdom Ryan imparted on me when I was really down in the dumps. My fiancée had left me, I was getting nowhere fast with the job search and I was starting to empty my savings and retirement accounts. He told me that the real key to networking is making it easy on the other person.

Make it easy for them to understand who you are, what you do and how you can add value and benefits to them.

If you can do that you too can use the secrets of the IVY League to make sure every networking event you go to will be a success!

Now go out there and start networking!





from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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