As an internet marketer, you’ve got a lot on your plate. There’s content to be written, social media accounts to be managed, analytics to be reviewed, target markets to be analyzed, leads to be nurtured, landing pages to be developed, and plenty more. How then can you possibly remain sane and instill order in your days? The answer lies in planning and consistency.
The Value of Time Blocks
Before looking at some of the specific tasks successful internet marketers complete on a daily basis, it’s important to gain a firm understanding of how you make time for these tasks. There are a number of strategies, but many industries and professionals believe in brief 10-minute allotments.
By breaking your daily routines into 10-minute segments, you can get more done and continually improve your skillset and overall productivity. With the idea of time blocks in mind – yours could be 10, 20, or even 30-minutes – here are a few tasks you should be doing on a daily basis:
- Goal setting and planning. While much of the focus is on long-term business goals in the corporate setting, you also need to pay attention to short-term goals. In other words, you should set daily and hourly goals. By doing this every morning and simultaneously planning for how you’ll meet those goals, you can increase productivity throughout the remainder of the day.
- Organizing email inbox. Oh, the dreaded email inbox. How do successful internet marketers manage their inbox without getting overwhelmed? They take a few minutes each morning to organize. Most have some sort of folder system where they can easily file away emails for future reference. With your own folder system, you can stay organized without feeling like you have to immediately respond or delete every message in your inbox.
- Brainstorming ideas. You have to set some time aside for brainstorming and innovating. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes, you need a designated period of time where you shut off all electronics, close the door, and think. Jot down anything and everything that comes to mind. You’ll be amazed at how many innovative marketing ideas spawn from this quiet time.
- Monitoring social listening tools. You probably pay an arm and a leg for social listening tools, so put them to use! Take a minimum of 10 minutes in the morning and late afternoon to review social listening tools and record what’s being said about specific campaigns, content, and posts.
- Taking regular breaks. Finally, you need breaks! Successful internet marketers understand that they’re useless without a fresh mind. Taking small breaks throughout the day may seem like a waste of time, but they’ll increase your productivity and longevity through the day.
Making Time for Success
Unfortunately, there’s no secret recipe for internet marketing success. Everyone functions differently and what works for one person may not for another. The key is to discover ways to better use your time and become more productive. In many cases, this involves some of the tasks and tips mentioned here. Give these six tips a chance, because you’ll never know unless you try!
from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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