Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Success In A Snap: How Small Businesses Can Make Snapchat Work

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It’s a new year and that means time for businesses to reconsider old strategies and implement new ones to keep up with changing times. This is especially true when it comes to social media strategy since the field changes so quickly.

Snapchat is all the buzz with teenagers, but does your business know how to use this social media tool? The app allows users to send creative image and video messages that disappear after they’re viewed.  Currently boasting 100 million active users each day (mainly between 13 and 37 years old), Snapchat is a promising platform for reaching the younger generation. If this is your target demographic, it’s time to learn the ins and outs of this app.

Craft A Narrative

One way that small businesses can use Snapchat to attract business is by telling a great story. Snaps, as messages on the site are called, a brief, but this allows you to break your story down into bite size pieces. The key is not to overcomplicate each snap. Let each one tell a small part and spread them out – you can tell the story over the course of a day or a week, drawing the recipients along with you.

Offer Sneak Peeks

Much like other photo and video formats, one of the strengths of Snapchat is that it can be used to offer a behind the scenes look at your business. Take your cameras into the production area or the packaging line or grab candid moments in a staff meeting. Part of what makes social media effective in the broadest sense is the feeling of personal connection it allows users to have with a company.

Join The In Crowd

Your choice of social media platforms says a lot about who your company is. Favor Pinterest over Tumblr? Then you may find yourself talking to more moms than teens and far more women than men. So what does using Snapchat say about your company?

Because its user demographic is primarily on the younger side, Snapchat can help you build a reputation as a cool company. It signals that you’ve kept up with the times and understand the youth, even if your initial attempts are a bit clunky. If you haven’t got someone young enough to know the ins and outs of this platform on board already, consider sending intra-office snaps among colleagues to get the hang of this platform.

Keep It PG

While your social media presence should be kept fairly family friendly, this is especially important with platforms that attract younger users. After all, remember when you were the younger sibling tagging along after your older brother or sister? You wanted to do everything they did. The same is true of Snapchat.

If you’re familiar with using Instagram, then you can take a similar tack with Snapchat. These two sites are both populated by younger kids, so keeping it PG will keep you in the good graces of their parents and make sure that everyone understands your jokes.

One, Two, Three, Snap!

2016 is the moment to unveil your Snapchat strategy, even if you feel like Snapchat has just been unveiled to you. Luckily the app is pretty self-explanatory so you won’t spend months trying to figure out the quirks. Download this app, send your coworkers a few snaps, and become that cool company that totally understands the youth.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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