Wednesday, 20 January 2016

The Simplest Communication with Online Technology

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There are many things in the world that people see as important. When it comes to businesses learning, and education, private discussion, or even the general transfer of information, the most important thing is communication. Regardless of why you would potentially be looking for ways to improve a relationship (no matter what sort of relationship), at the root of all improvements comes the fundamental understanding and betterment of communication.

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Communication Is an Art

Even though you may be comfortable with the way that you happen to communicate, the truth is you can’t just casually talk with some people like you normally do. Another thing to recall is that formal structure and training of communication typically ends in your teenage years for most individuals. So, as long as you are still speaking with the same process that you did when you were in grade school, you could be doing things in your day to day speech that you never even realized were problematic. The importance of your words and ideas could be masked by the way you choose to communicate and deliver your message.

The good news is that this goes both ways. By understanding some of the simplest ways of effective communication you are not only showing yourself off as a valuable and intelligent individual, but you are also selling yourself and your product just by speaking with others. If nothing else, at least you can identify some potential problematic areas that you may have and keep those to a minimum. Make no mistake, however, every word you say as well as the way you say it are important. And it doesn’t stop there; the subjects you choose to discuss or avoid can have as much of an impact on a conversation as the words you use. It might not seem like a big deal to some, but refining your communication by rethinking your talking points and delivery will truly allow for better results and the others won’t even know how you’re doing it!

Know Your Knowledge Sources

It doesn’t matter how you learn, what does matter is where you choose to get your education. And, while no one doubts an academic setting or an additional continuing education class about your field, one of the top ways of increasing your education is by listening to your employees and other contacts in the field. These individuals may not fully understand all of the specifics from a technical standpoint, but if you are able to hit on their concerns while also speaking eloquently, you will seem like a bright and polished expert of any field. Understanding your market is no more difficult than listening to those employees who have their heads down in the market each and every day. When it comes to being a top individual within an organization, whether you are part of one that is big or small, you have all of the ability in the world to grow within the field when people seek you out for answers.

Communication is Constant and Open

One of the things that drives so many people nuts is the inability to get a hold of someone else in the first place. It might not be a big deal on the surface, but when it all boils down to it you aren’t valuable at all if you can’t convey information and knowledge. In fact, there is even a theory that generally says someone who may not have the answers but is always available does more than someone with the answers but who can’t be found.

Communication needs to not only be something your company does well, but from a service point of view your company needs to believe communication is central to the organization. In fact, building a company that puts communication at the forefront isn’t just something nice to do for your customers. It also creates loyalty and a focus on service. If you can do, that then they will never leave you. Plus, when it comes to the brand new technologies that are currently available, such as online screen sharing with Blue Jeans, your ability to communicate literally never stops. You are always on call just by the click of a button.

Communication truly is one of those things that most people never think about. They figure that if they can simply form words together and spit them out, they must be doing ok. The problem is that while we continue to grow and gain other skills, communication stays more or less at the same level it has always been. For as much as we use our communication abilities, and especially for certain meetings or discussions with certain people, you would think that there would be a higher focus on it in general. Continue to make improving your communication skills a priority and you will have no problem moving forward in any workplace as well as any relationship.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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