Friday, 30 January 2015

Why We Love Social Media Analytics (And You Should, Too!)

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Social Media Analytics is a powerful means to discover the exact customer sentiment which takes off the lead in attaining a better social position in the market. Keeping aside the obstructions that might come in the way while tapering down the amount of “Big Data ” collected from social media platforms, analysis is of a great help to all the businesses that wish to be an active part of an actionable insight.

  • Social Media Analytics helps companies harness the importance of every bit of data hence collected, and take decisive actions across the entire enterprise.

  • The activities range from the identification of new patterns and trends for the product development team, to the protection of brand image and dividing customers into micro segments.

  • Then refining the marketing campaigns accordingly, in a way improving and upgrading the overall customer experience, leveraging great profits to your business.

The analysis procedure nails its importance in 2015 as well as it helps to:-

Tracking the influence of social media optimization , five major social media platforms introduced there specific analytics tool in order to bond with their customers better, in other words analysis led to a cohesive customer relationship.

Facebook-In the authoritative board of a Facebook brand page, there are a mixed bag of experiences to reference. The key here is regularly not in a solitary number. It will rely on upon the objective. On the off chance that the objective is to just serve a post to 1,000 individuals and you can see the number arrived at will be no less than 1,000, well then – objective accomplished.

It is additionally useful to analyze the quantity of fans arrived at straightforwardly with those arrived at through an alternate kind of post.

Twitter- twitter has recently come up with its analytics tool, which is now open to everyone with a twitter ad account, after a simple log in. the analytics product is only accessible through the twitter ad account via the twitter ad tool.

The dashboard is ultimately a handy means to tell you how well each of your updates on Twitter’s public profile have performed. You can track your impressions, replies and clicks on a daily basis and analyze your own social media strategies.

Pinterest-The extent that Pinterest goes, probably the most valuable data comes as alluding pins. In the event that you are now a Pinterest devotee, then you realize that sticks are the things inside gatherings alluded to as “boards.”

An uncontrollably prevalent pin could possibly be stuck onto every one of your boards to increase significantly more referral activity since not every guest takes a gander at each one board. This is best for brands that have various boards and a wide mixed bag of boards and pins.

LinkedIn- the analytics tab in LinkedIn provides users with the clear metrics about the company page which is again bifurcated into three other sections namely- updates, followers and visitors. It is a graphical representation of the incoming and outgoing communication and also a brief idea about the engagement that takes place.

The graph displays the ratio of engagement and also potential engagement that might take place in context with the communication that goes out through the mouthpiece of a particular brand. It can be helpful in both the sponsored as well as organic campaigns.

YouTube-It is getting to be clear that social networking examination are not generally as basic as ROI and KPIs, however they are most valuable in interpreting what it is about promoting through this media that draws consideration and whose consideration it draws.

There are YouTube measurements for demographics, however its difficult to say how precise the data is considering countless are not logged in with accessible information. An exceptionally helpful understanding in YouTube is the group of onlookers maintenance chart.

Whether you’re an enormous or little organization, in case you’re contributing time, cash, and exertion into social networking, than you ought to utilize social networking investigation to see the entire picture of your work. Begin utilizing examination to track your online networking endeavors today and make sense of the best recipe for accomplishment for you and your organization tomorrow.

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Trending: Apple may be the largest smartphone seller

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Apple has fallen behind Samsung in smartphone sales, until now. In the last three months of 2014 Apple sold 74.5 million iPhones. Huffington Post reported that according to Ben Bajarin, principal analyst at Creative Strategies, that was more than any other company sold during those three months. While Samsung does not release exact numbers they said they sold between 71 million and 76 million but it was estimated by Bajarin they sold about 72 million phones in that same time period.

TIME reported that various analysts are doubting whether or not Apple did sell more than Samsung and are calling it a tie. Alex Fitzpatrick said, “A tie game means we’re headed to overtime. Whether Apple can hold on to its maybe-possibly-kind-of lead over Samsung depends on how its newest iPhone models perform as their shine wears off.” Samsung is rumored to reveal a new phone early this year while Apple won’t reveal new phones for a few months.

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Power of Social Media for the Consumer

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It seems everything these days is expensive.

It all costs money, and usually lots of it, from food to family and from cars to college.

Consumers are fortunate, though, to be able to use social media to their advantage and find the best cost and way to buy and pay for certain things.

Whether you’re looking at calculators or what’s for dinner, take a look at social media to help out and empower you regarding your family’s spending.

When your kids are young…

Little kids cost money; there’s a lot of spending that goes on. Take a look at social media for some of these things:

• Play classes – Many times a new mommy wants to get her toddler into a play class. Hop on social media to find some of the best deals in your area for this.

• Preschool – Preschool costs can vary immensely. It’s almost like applying to college (well not really, but there are some similarities). Check out social media to help guide you through this, from what kind of school you want to the hours you want to what you’ll be paying.

• Free stuff – Don’t neglect the fine art of free. From free museum days to story times to craft classes – you can often use social media to find fun things to do that don’t cost any money.

As they get older…

With bigger kids comes bigger spending.

It would be nice if the reality of “Oh, they’re out of diapers -how much money I’ll save” and then “Oh, no more paying for preschool because they’re in public school” matched what we thought it would be, but there’s always something else to take the place of the money you’re not spending anymore.

So look at these things for saving:

• Shoes and clothes – whether it’s for their sport or just because it’s the in thing, your kids will want certain clothes and shoes. Hop on social media to look for sales from your favorite stores or to be the first to get coupons and discounts.

• Sports and activities – If your child is into sports or other activities, you need to sign them up. Investigate the best team, area and level you want to be involved in through social media.

• College and other academic endeavors – It all starts with social media sites now. You can learn a lot about costs and fees through social media, and this will be a big factor in making these choices.

As the following article, “Adoption questions about the cost of raising a child” looks at, maybe you are considering adoption, whether you already have children or not.

Finances should be considered about the costs involved in adoption and raising the child.

• You can find groups through social media that are doing the same thing as you and a lot of your questions can be answered.

• You can find the best route to take in your area to see an adoption through, and not be surprised about the costs involved.

• Social media can offer you and your child a network to be part of throughout his or her childhood and beyond.

Social media has evolved into one of the consumer’s best resources, no matter what you’re looking to spend or save on.

When it comes to family matters of finance and spending, don’t forget to check out social media before those purchases.

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How to Effectively Use Social Media in the Real Estate Industry

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Social media is now considered a critical component of nearly every organization’s internet marketing strategy. This is particularly true in B2C industries where companies succeed based on visibility, relevancy, and engagement.

While real estate professionals once relied heavily on print advertisements, physical signage, and word of mouth, the industry’s marketing efforts are now largely defined by how well they utilize the internet and various social media platforms. The issue you must consider is whether or not you’re getting the most from the tools you have at your disposal. When used properly, social media can serve as a multi-purpose tool that helps you build a brand, network, and reach a larger market.

Using What You’ve Got

One excuse that many professionals make regarding social media is they don’t know where to start. They claim there are too many platforms and they don’t have time to learn about them. These are usually half-hearted attempts to ignore making a change, but what these individuals don’t know is they are actually rather simple. There are five basic platforms you’ll want to use, and each is surprisingly intuitive. Here’s what you’ll use them for:

  • Facebook. As the staple social media site, this will be your hub. Here’s where you want to start building a community and interacting with followers. The most important things you can do on Facebook are to keep updated contact information and post regularly.

  • Twitter. This is a great place to send out quick messages and advertise new listings. Twitter is an excellent source of traffic generation and can help you engage a completely new demographic.

  • Instagram. Many industries struggle to find Instagram useful. Thankfully, real estate is not among them. Use Instagram to post pictures of properties and market your listings.

  • Pinterest. You can use Pinterest in the same way that you use Instagram; it’s a great place to curate images and content from across the web. You can delegate specific boards to categories like architecture, design, dream homes, and local listings.

  • YouTube. Videos are extremely powerful and have the greatest likelihood of going viral on the internet. While YouTube will likely be the most time-intensive platform of the five, it could also provide the highest return. It’s best use is as a virtual showing tool.

Tips to Get You Started

You could spend weeks, even months studying social media and researching how to get the most out of specific platforms, but the best thing you can do is start. It’s a learning process and the sooner you begin implementing new elements, the faster you’ll notice a return. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:

  • Be consistent. It’s a basic marketing principle, but you must remember to focus on producing a consistent message. From the images and avatars you implement to the tone of voice you use throughout your content, keep everything consistent. Consumers thrive on security and naturally trust businesses they feel comfortable with.

  • Listen up. The problem businesses have when using social media is they forget to listen. They consistently push out good, quality content, but rarely take the time to answer questions or engage their followers. One of the best things you can do is listen to your followers and learn from them.

  • Focus on visibility. Thin social media profiles can be worse than no representation at all. Do your best to stay active and build an active community. One good way to let clients know you exist on social media is by adding social buttons to your website, much like Fox & Roach, Realtors does at the top of their site.

  • Follow the 30-60-10 rule. The 30-60-10 rule states that 30 percent of what you share should be original content you’ve created, 60 percent should be useful industry content that you’ve curated, and 10 percent should be self-promotional content with direct calls-to-action.

  • Invest locally. Always remember that real estate is local. Unless you deal with a lot of out of town investors, 99 percent of your clientele is going to be local. That means the content you produce and conversations you engage in should be community-driven. Talk about a new restaurant down the street or the hometown baseball team; you want people to associate you with the community.

Get Started Today

Thankfully, social media requires very little upfront cost – if any. You can sign up for these five major platforms, free of charge, and get started today. While there is certainly much to learn, begin with the basics and take things slowly. Remember these helpful tips and discover what you’ve been missing.

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How Construction Companies are Leveraging Social Media

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One thing in 2015 is quite clear; social media isn’t going anywhere. From the local coffee shops to Fortune 500 companies, social media will play a large role in nearly every business marketing plan this year.

While some find using social media to be easy, others struggle to find their place in what can seem like crowed internet space. For some time, many construction companies fell into that category and wondered if they could leverage social media in a cost-effective way. Now, more than ever, the answer to this question is becoming clear.

The State of Social Media in the Construction Industry

You might not think of the construction industry as tech-savvy, but a recent survey from

The Construction Marketing Association might surprise you. According to those surveyed, 97 percent of construction professionals are active on social media. That’s a striking 7 percent year-over-year growth rate and shows that social media is more than a passing fad.

When compared with the previous year’s data, it’s interesting to note that blogging, posting videos on YouTube, and Tweeting have increased 8, 12, and 13 percent, respectively. These are surprising statistics for an industry that was once primarily fueled by word of mouth marketing. Times are certainly changing for everyone, including construction companies.

How Construction Companies are Using Social Media

With such a large majority of construction companies using social media, it’s worth taking a look at how it’s being used and which tools are most effective. Accord Construction, one of the leading roofing companies in Oklahoma City says, “We’ve seen all kinds of creative campaigns and unique strategies over the past couple years. What we’ve discovered, though, is that customer engagement is the key to everything you do.”

Most would agree with this, as the number of likes and shares a social media post gets helps determine how long it’s visible in news feeds. Obviously, the longer a post can stay visible, the better. Here are a few strategies commonly used for increasing engagement and reaching customers:

  • Create a buzz. Anything that draws people in and encourages a second look is great. Many companies find success by creating a buzz around a particular topic by using compelling images, inserting crisp ad copy, and curating fresh, relevant content.

  • Ask for participation. Social media is designed by nature to be social. It’s intended to bring multiple parties together for conversation and engagement. However, many people remain silent observers until convinced they should be an active participant. Companies have found the most success when they implement specific calls-to-action that ask users to make a suggestion, provide an insight, or give feedback.

  • Become a thought leader. For companies who are extremely knowledgeable, especially in their particular niche, social media provides an excellent opportunity for promoting thought leadership and engaging users. By producing quality content and providing helpful suggestions for users, some construction companies have been able to develop a tight-knit online community.

The 40-40-20 Rule

When using social media, construction companies should remember to follow the 40-40-20 rule as a guideline for what to post. This popular rule of thumb states that on any platform, 40 percent of communication should involve sharing useful industry information, 40 percent should consist of direct interaction with users, and 20 percent should be self-promotion.

Those companies who follow the 40-40-20 rule and effectively engage with customers have been most successful at properly leveraging social media. As any skill does, social media takes time to develop and perfect. It’s something that requires daily attention and ongoing effort, so remain patient and give it your best shot.

Succeeding at Social Media in 2015

If your construction company wants to remain competitive this year, it’s apparent that social media is one tool you’ll need. No longer can you rely on simple print advertisements or word of mouth; you’ll need to take a strategic, dynamic approach to marketing.

For best results, set aside 30 minutes, twice a day for social media. If possible, dedicate 30 minutes around mid-morning and another 30 minutes towards the end of the work day. Use this time to post content, interact with followers, and optimize your pages. After a few months, you’ll likely begin to see the positive effects of social media on your company.

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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Ice Cream Makers Scooping Up Social Media

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When it comes to cold, tasty treats, everyone screams for ice cream, especially on social media.

Ice cream sales are double-scooping through the roof and it’s all thanks to manufacturers’ marketing efforts on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

With delicious desserts in mind, here’s a look at the ice cream industry and how it’s spreading the word on social media:

Ice Cream Sales in the U.S.

Food trends come and go, but one thing is constant: ice cream.

The cold treat has been topping the dessert sales charts for decades and isn’t looking to slow down any time soon.

According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the U.S. consumes more than 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream each year. In terms of revenue, that’s nearly $10 billion in ice cream sales for manufacturers all across the country.

With 70% of sales taking place on a regional level, it’s no surprise manufacturers are using social media to spread the word about their scoops.

Social Media and Ice Cream

Customer outreach is the key to marketing success and ice cream manufacturers know there’s no better way to get the word out about their tasty treats than with social media. In fact, a number of big ice cream brands or jumping on the social ice cream truck to market their frozen goods.

Ben & Jerry’s, Baskin Robbins, and Edy’s are just a few of the ice cream brands that use Facebook as a marketing tool. Likewise, Breyers, Cold Stone, and Carvel are taking to Twitter to put their scoops on display.

As the following article shows, the ice cream industry’s popularity on social media is proof we like ice cream all year long.

Popular Ice Cream Social Marketing Campaigns

Ice cream manufacturers are making sure they put their sweet products front and center to entice social audiences. That in combination with great promotions results in marketing success.

Here are just a few popular social media marketing campaigns from top ice cream manufacturers:

Cold Stone – One of the most popular creameries in the U.S. is Cold Stone, which uses a frozen piece of marble to hand churn its flavor creations. Cold Stone Creamery posts discount codes and free ice cream contests on Facebook as well as gives fans a heads up about ice cream giveaways under the hashtag Random Acts of Cold Stone.

Dreyer’s – In-store ice cream by the quart is just as popular as visiting the ice cream shop, which is where the Dreyer’s brand comes into play. Dreyer’s uses Facebook to promote its CheckPoints coupon app that saves hungry social media follower’s money on their in-store ice cream purchases.

Ben & Jerry’s – The king of ice cream combinations is turning to its Facebook and Twitter followers to create new flavors. Known as the City Churned campaign, Ben & Jerry’s is encouraging Facebook fans to come up with the next great ice cream flavor based on their hometown.

It’s plain to see that social media and ice cream brands are the perfect marketing match … with sprinkles and a cherry on top.

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Put Your Customers First on Social Media

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Whether you run a well-known company or one that most people have not heard of outside of your hometown, social media is essentially a free and very worthwhile tool that should always be on your marketing radar.

That said what are you doing to promote your social networking in 2015?

Even though many companies know that social media is a key component of their brand promotions, too many others have not invested the time and effort into social media. As a result, they are missing out on golden opportunities to put their brand in front of countless eyes.

So, is social media one of your marketing priorities?

Being Relevant and Interactive

In order to have a winning social media platform with which to work from, make sure the following is on your agenda:

  1. Relevancy – Your tweets, shares, pins and more need to be relevant to what your brand is all about. Sure, it is okay to step outside the bounds from time to time, but consumers (most of them for that matter) will come to your social pages for information tied to what your business does. With that being the case, if you market clothing that includes the best bras and panties, you of course should be targeting women, but don’t write off the other gender just yet. Keep in mind, especially with holidays like Valentine’s Day right around the corner, many men shop for that special lady in their lives. As a result, social posts in this area should also be directed at a sizable segment of the male population;

  2. Interaction – You can’t have a winning social media game if you’re not being interactive with the public. Face it; there is a reason someone tweets or shares something with you and your company. Even if it is a customer service issue and it seems like they’re unhappy, do not ignore them. In nine out of 10 cases, if you ignore them, your competition will not. Interaction also means tweeting/retweeting, sharing, pinning etc. information that will be worthwhile to consumers;

  3. Consistency – Last but certainly not least, you need a consistent social media approach. For too many companies, they will tweet or share here, pin a little bit there, and so the beat goes on. If consumers look at your company Facebook or Twitter page and it has not been updated for days, perhaps even week in some extreme cases, do you really believe you look credible to the majority of them? Studies have shown that certain times and days of the week are best for social media activity, make sure you determine what is best for your company and brand to get that message out there regularly.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Should You Take a More Social Approach in Your Career?

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People leave the workforce for all types of reasons – they may decide to stay home with children for a time, they may have moved and are having trouble finding a job, they may have switched industries and are struggling or they may simply have wanted a break from working.

Whatever the reason, it’s more important to focus on your skills and abilities rather than stress about your hiatus.

As the following article shows, to find a rewarding career after a long hiatus from the workforce will be challenging; it won’t be impossible.

To start, do some research in your desired industries and see what the requirements are.

You may need to return to school or get a certification, and at the very least, you’ll need to update your resume.

While it’s not necessary to explain gaps of unemployment in your resume, you should include what you have been doing that may be relevant – such as volunteering at your children’s school, helping care for an aging parent, taking a class, freelancing, etc.

Tips on Getting Back Into Workforce After a Break

Among the tips to keep in mind:

  • Network – The best thing you can do for yourself when trying to get back into the workforce is to network. You can network with friends, family members, old coworkers, neighbors and even via social media. Social media is an extremely powerful tool when it comes to finding a job. Follow your favorite companies and employers and don’t be afraid to reach out and start a conversation with someone. When it comes to getting a job, especially after a long break, it’s more about who you know than what you know.

  • Volunteer – Depending on what type of career you’re looking for, volunteering at that organization can be a great way to get your foot in the door. Once you establish solid relationships with the other employees, it can be relatively easy to get hired on as a full-time staff member. Organizations that seek volunteers include the health care industry, non-profit organizations and government agencies. A large number of these organizations are active on social media, informing the public of what they do and where they need assistance.

  • Start you own business – Perhaps instead of working for a company, you can start your own business and work for yourself. While running a business comes with its own set of challenges, the advantage is that you can start now without having to go through the application and interview process. Becoming self-employed may make the transition from being out of work to working again easier, too, since you can set your own hours and take time off when needed. Use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more to promote your company.

  • Go back to school – When re-entering the workforce, it’s important to reassess your interests and see if you still want to work in the same field as you did before leaving. There is nothing wrong with making a career switch if you know it’s what you want to do. Explore your options before jumping into something you may no longer be satisfied with. If your new career of choice requires you to return to school, that can be a great transition prior to returning to work. Many top-notch schools nationwide are active on social media, promoting myriad of educational opportunities.

Take all of the options above into consideration when looking to return to the workforce.

You can be strategic about your plan and explore your options before making a final decision. Be confident in your abilities and apply what you learned during your time off to the workforce.

By focusing on your talents and skills, you’ll be certain to find a career in no time.

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Pinterest Boards Your Business Should Be Following in 2015

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Now that the Pinterest buzz has been pushed aside for Instagram, infographics, and a new wave of mobile marketing excitement, it’s a good time to really stop and look at some of the boards businesses have created. Industry leaders are constantly talking about who you should be following on Twitter and what Facebook pages offer value, but Pinterest boards aren’t often discussed (despite the fact that these same industry leaders offered tons of advice about how to use Pinterest to improve your business). However, there are plenty of businesses out there that really got Pinterest right, and they’re continually uploading content that could help a business gain inspiration and knowledge about a particular industry.

If your business is trying to get more involved in the Pinterest scene, following the right boards and making the right connections is key. If you’ve created an account for your businesses but are unsure who to follow, don’t sweat it. Although the buzz might be over, you haven’t missed the Pinterest boat. The network is still going strong with 70 million users.

Top 7 Pinterest Boards Your Business Should be Following

It seems that Pinterest is really divided into three different categories: Design and art, serious business advice, and funny or inspirational quotes. While there are of course exceptions, the posts found on Pinterest can usually be filtered into one of these three categories. The third category isn’t usually helpful to businesses, but the first two certainly are.

Pinterest Boards For the Art Enthusiasts

Those who operate a design, fashion, food, or decorating business usually get the most out of Pinterest. On this front, many businesses have too many options when it comes time to follow certain boards. In most cases, it’s best to try and following your competition and other businesses similar to yours, not so you can copy what they are doing or sharing, but so you can make sure you’re bringing something unique to the table.

With that said, specific businesses will want to follow different boards. However, below are a few of the boards that have done it best, and they’re worth following just to see some great artwork and designs:

Every business has some sort of workspace, and this board offers a bunch of cool ideas when it comes to designing where you will work. There is a good variety here for those with all different styles, and the board already has 3,621,050 followers.

Boards about gifts are always great because they can serve several purposes including not only gift ideas, but creative designs and different ways to present a gift. You can really have fun with colors and patterns when giving a gift, so this is a great place for inspiration.

More and more people are becoming interested in natural. Whether it be organic foods, neutral color tones, or flowers and plants, the idea of nature is everywhere. This board offers great options for landscaping and outdoor décor that capitalizes on this new phenomenon.

Pinterest Boards For the Suit-and-Tie Businesses

Finding Pinterest boards that are similar to industries like marketing, technology, or sales is much more difficult to find on the network. These businesses have the opposite problem of businesses that put a lot of emphasis on the visual; however some of these suit-and-tie businesses have been able to make it work:

This board is great because it offers a lot of great data and cool statistics along with infographics and links to articles. Many boards put a focus on infographics entirely, but this board always brings in a little bit of creativity.

This is a great board because it helps keep you updated with the latest technology gadgets and tools. Your could very well see something that could help grow your business on this board, so it’s good to keep up with. In fact, there are already 1,498,501 followers!

This board is great because it is specific. Any company that has a Twitter account should follow this board to learn some new techniques. The board is full of infographics to help make all the information easy to understand.

This is one board that works great for designers as well as businesses. Every business needs a logo, and most business owners know that logos are not always easy to create. This board helps give businesses inspiration when it comes to logos.

Are there any Pinterest boards that you love to follow? What makes you love that business’ new posts? Let us know in the comments below!

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Monday, 26 January 2015

Social Media Marketing Strategies for 2015

We created Ignite Social Media in 2007 and so much has changed in the intervening eight years.

  • The rise of Facebook brand pages and the fall of organic reach;

  • Brands chasing likes and followers, encouraged in part by the social networks themselves;

  • Twitter gradually introducing an algorithm to its feed;

  • The great promise of social ads (excellent targeting) failing mightily;

  • The introduction of new networks, from Instagram to Snapchat, with rapidly changing audience demographics;

  • The rise of the mobile phone, becoming the #1 device for accessing social media.

Given that, how should brands build best-in-class social media marketing strategies for 2015? I’ve given this presentation around the country in the last few months, so I’ve created a version that you can flip through and read for yourself.

Do let me know in the comments if you have any questions.

The post Social Media Marketing Strategies for 2015 appeared first on Ignite Social Media.

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Is Your Lack of Social Networking Taxing You?

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Social media has myriad of ways to benefit everyday people.

From networking for jobs to finding the best places to travel to, the list can go on and on.

With that in mind, social media is a great tool when it comes to improving one’s financial situation.

As mentioned, whether it is locating a better-paying job, reducing one’s bills or finding a good retirement plan, social networking can be put to use rather easily and at no expense in most cases.

So, how can you use social media to improve your financial situation, especially as tax season arrives nationwide for some 150 million Americans who file yearly?

Get the Right Info the First Time Around

Face it; not many consumers enjoy doing their taxes. Okay, probably some 99 percent of Americans abhor it when you get right down to it.

With that said, social media can be a great means to use when it comes to determining which form is best for you, which tax prep providers are likely best suited to assist you, and what if any deductions you can claim along the way.

Perhaps you will decide that 1040EZ Tax Filing Instructions are what best works for you.

Then again, maybe you will opt for one of the other various forms out there. Whatever the case may be, getting the right tax information from an accredited tax provider is what you need.

Keep in mind, however, that there are not a large majority of tax prep businesses relying on social media to publicize their services and educate consumers, so you likely will have to do a little bit of digging.

Tweets and Shares Offer Information and Education

For starters, go to the Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other such pages of both well-known tax providers nationwide and those a little closer to home and/or smaller such shops.

When you do that, you should be able to find tweets, shares, posts etc. that offer up tax preparation information, what you can and can’t declare if you’re looking at deductions, any changes to the rules this year when it comes to doing your taxes and much more.

One noticeable change this tax season is Obamacare and its impact on doing and filing one’s taxes.

The bottom line is all American taxpayers will be required to check off a box on their return that indicates they have the mandated healthcare coverage.

For those individuals not receiving health insurance via an employer, they will look to make sure that they are in fact eligible for the tax credits that come with Obamacare for those who qualify.

Taxpayers can also turn to social media and look at media sites like the major broadcast networks, top newspapers and magazines and other such outlets that undoubtedly will be tweeting and sharing tax information from now through early April.

Lastly, the IRS has available taxpayer information on Twitter, so turn to that for some answers to your questions.

With tax season here, getting more social over it should provide you with a little less stress and better preparation.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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Friday, 23 January 2015

Twitter and Facebook and Weight Loss…Oh, My!

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What are the main reasons people use social media? Most of us use social media to:

  • connect with long-lost classmates, family, and friends

  • market our business or brand

  • vent our frustration

  • brag mercilessly about our kids

  • share passive aggressive messages we hope the intended audience will understand

Many experts diss social media—pointing to all the ways it can ruin our live. We spend too much time on Facebook and Twitter. We bellyache too much. All our “friends” are fake.

But what if those very things—those things we assume are bad—can actually help improve our health?

The Stats: Good or Bad?

Let’s take a look at exactly what is happening in the world of social media.

Some people may say those are disgraceful stats. But let’s put them in context of improving our health, losing weight, and living a healthier life.

How Social Media Helps Weight Loss

In addition to the above mentioned stats, there are a few more you should know about.

  • Dieters who received advice and encouragement from a behavior therapist via the internet lost three times as much weight as those who chose to go it alone.

  • Social media helps dieters shed more than just pounds. Those who sought encouragement and accountability from their social network saw a reduction in BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and overall percentage of body fat.

  • The more often someone posts to social media, the more weight they lose.

  • Social media accountability helps dieters maintain their weight loss. Thanks to social media, nearly half of all participants had managed to maintain their weight loss six months after reaching their goal.

Why is this happening? Many point to the accountability of social networks.

Simon Bell, marketing and social media expert at the University of Melbourne, said, “If you are tweeting about your diet to your followers, then you have a responsibility to maintain a level of integrity.” He goes on to point out how dieters won’t just have to fess up to their failure among their limited friends and family; they’ll have to answer to hundreds of virtual supporters.

It may seem like a shallow promise. After all, most of our online friends and followers don’t really play a significant role in our lives. Who cares if we disappoint them or they think less of us?

Bell points to the “swift trust” that is established on social media. We establish a trusting relationship very quickly on networks like Twitter and Facebook. Even if we aren’t close to these people in the physical world, our strong virtual relationship prevents us from letting them down or losing credibility.

How to Use Social Media for Weight Loss

Here are six ways you can use social media to reach your weight loss goal.

1. Share your goals.

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want your social contacts to help you? There is one simple thing that will make a big difference: tell people your goals.

If you want to lose 20 pounds, tell your followers. If you want to cut sugar or go raw, tell your friends. Just letting people know what you are up to will set the stage for great accountability.

2. Ask for help.

Once people know you are on a mission, ask for help. Tell your social network how they can encourage you.

Ask for recipe ideas, healthy restaurant suggestions, gym membership discounts, at-home workout tips…whatever you need.

3. Join a group.

There are tons of weight loss groups on social media. Join one and bask in the community. Talk a little smack for an extra dose of motivation and encouragement. Brag about your successes. Find support during your struggles.

Online communities are like a 24/7 cheering section. There is always someone who is able to celebrate or commiserate with you.

Social Media Weight Loss Support Group

4. Turn your social media account into a virtual diary.

Keep track of your ups and downs. Include details about what does and doesn’t work. Mention your workouts and meals. Then, you can reflect back on your experience and take note of the successes as you set new goals.

Social Media Weight Loss Diary

Don’t forget to post photos of the foods you eat. You can look back and get meal ideas when you are in need of healthy suggestions.

Plus, sharing your virtual food scrapbook will help you monitor food choices. If you are posting that plate on Facebook for everyone to see, you’ll carefully consider the food choices and portions.

5. Follow industry leaders.

Want a ton of effective, healthy and free advice? Follow various industry leaders. Get meal planning tips, workout suggestions, and general healthy living ideas from some of the most well-known experts.

All you have to do is follow or like these pros and your newsfeed will be filled with helpful, encouraging, motivating information.

Social Media Weight Loss Industry Leaders

6. Report the facts.

There are tons of apps that sync with social media. These deliver a double whammy—accountability and statistic storage.

Keep track of all your most important weight loss statistics—calories consumed, miles ran, steps taken. Share these bits of news on social media and your followers can help you monitor your success.

Social Media Weight Loss Stats

Perhaps you’re not keen to share your actual weight in such a public forum, but studies do show that those who regularly weighted themselves (once a month) were better able to maintain their weight loss.

It might not seem like the most natural situation—public conversations about your weight—but social media can help you achieve your goals.

How are you using social networks to shed unwanted pounds?

from Darlene Milligan via seo tips

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Watch for These 6 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015

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Social media marketing changed a great deal in 2014, and some of these changes will be sticking around through the new year. Many newer trends are starting to emerge, as well.

A comprehensive viewpoint would obviously have to include content. Optimizing user experiences at the site level is the fundamental principle behind many current trends.

Audio and visual elements will be a particular hot trend this year. According to Albert Scaglione, founder and CEO of Park West Gallery, “Visual content can make more of an instant impression on customers than large blocks of text they have to sift through — particularly when they’re on mobile.”

You can be ready for 2015 by keeping an eye on the following trends.

Mobile is the new standard

No other platform is growing as fast as mobile. Because new portable devices are released every quarter, the ways to interact with brands on the move are surely going to continue to grow.

Inarguably, users will come to websites through mobile and even wearable devices. Instead of formulating a strategy that adapts to mobile as an afterthought, advertisers should focus on it first, then scale up to desktop and laptop functionality.

Video will be everywhere

YouTube is no longer the only venue for video content in social media marketing. Incorporating video into marketing campaigns means grabbing customers’ attention as they use content that initially attracts them.

Every social media marketing channel can now employ video content to drive conversions. Video content can be targeted so that you may tailor presentations to specific customers’ needs.

Visuals are more important than ever

Adding visuals to social media advertising is a great way to enhance the quality of a campaign. Images enable content to stand out from other advertisements, blend in more easily with posts from users’ friends and family, and offer an attractive invitation to learn more about the depicted service or product.

Facebook is not the only platform that offers visuals to marketing clients. Pinterest, Instagram, SlideShare, Twitter, Flickr, SnapChat, and all entail opportunities for incorporating images that enhance content.

Ad re-targeting is getting better

This strategy works by utilizing browser cookies to track the websites users visit. When they leave one site, whatever they viewed there will be shown to them again in ads at each subsequent website they visit.

Only two percent of web traffic converts on the first visit, but ad re-targeting empowers companies to increase their overall conversion rate by keeping in touch with consumers: you can remind them of your activities and strengthen their connection to you.

This empowers the brand and the product to remain at the forefront of the consumer’s mind.

Psychiatric studies have found that simple exposure to brand names and logos creates familiarity, and builds the level of trust that drives conversion rates. Even without an immediate purchase, re-targeting pays off over the long run.

The success of many marketers who use ad re-targeting makes this a very hot trend going into 2015.

Facebook isn’t the only game in town anymore

Given the explosion of social media sites in 2014, not to mention the rapid growth of the industry in the past decade, Facebook’s accustomed position as the sole source for social media marketing has become threatened. While it may still be the dominant outlet, with the broadest available audience, many newcomers can augment your social media marketing strategy.

In 2014, marketers learned that the broadest possible audience is not always the ideal audience. Tailored social media platforms — the ones that seek to unite people bonded by common interests — allow advertisers to have a specially made audience at their fingertips.

Marketers should continue to seek out resources for personalization and individual optimization as they craft a strategy for social media. Digital marketing in 2015 will be increasingly geared toward understanding individual customers and how to speak directly to them.

Diversity will increase

Social media marketers are developing novel means of reaching their audiences now that social media platforms have furnished a wider array of tools for doing so. As this article has been detailing, new features are constantly being added to enhance companies’ ability to create excellent marketing content.

Firms that do not experiment with new ways to reach potential customers will suffer from a lack of broad exposure. Every new feature on a social media site offers a potentially new channel for reaching customers.

There’s no reason to miss out on an opportunity for increased sales, when it can be simple and exciting to work with new methods. Staying ahead of the trends is the best way for you to do this.

With all of the exciting new possibilities, 2015 should be another groundbreaking year in the online marketing industry.

from Darlene Milligan via seo tips

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Credit Card Companies Know Rewards of Social Media

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Credit card companies are reaching out in all sorts of ways.

From print to phone to direct mail and TV, they are covering all of the bases.

One marketing platform they don’t want to forget is social media. This is an important tool for marketing that can’t be overlooked.

Benefits of Being on Social Media

Smart credit card companies are not only using social media to gain new customers, but also to make their current ones even happier.

Here are some engaging things they are doing on social media:

• Offering rewards or discounts through social media sites. For instance, they can run a promo where customers tweet or Instagram something specific using special hashtags and then can earn a reward or discount.

• Offering deals or discounts through checking in with locations or Foursquare. This may go hand in hand with a merchant or be the credit card company’s gig alone.

• Social media can be a great platform to resolve problems or issues. American Express and some others have specific accounts for problem resolution. It’s a fast way to resolve a problem, and once it’s resolved, what better marketing than to have a happy customer tweet #problemsolved. Customers can also use social media to lodge a complaint and will probably get much better and faster feedback than in a traditional way.

• Credit card companies can provide information on blogs linked to social media sites. Their twitter feed, for instance, can take customers to articles such as “How to get a car loan for people with bad credit” or other useful information.

• Celebrity endorsements. Celebrities use credit cards, too, and a quick tweet or Instagram post endorsing a credit card from a celebrity is big. Sometimes perks will go along with this, like pre-sale tickets or special events.

Presence is Important

Social media has come a long way from using it as a purely “social” platform.

Most businesses have some sort of social media presence, if not a whole department devoted to it. It’s a great way to learn about a company before doing business with them, and it does make business easier, too.

Another great thing about marketing with social media is that it’s free and it usually reaches the right market, because often people go looking for it. It’s a win-win marketing tool.

Perception is Important

Customers like seeing social media sites and seeing how others perceive companies.

Whether the company is using social media or not its name is probably out there in one way or another.

The best things a credit card company is to have a good social media presence to defend it and show its good side.

People love social media; companies need to use it to their advantage.

from Darlene Milligan via seo tips

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Thursday, 22 January 2015

Social Media Proving a Better Prescription for Health

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While social media is normally thought of as a way to connect with family, friends and business associates, it’s actually used for much, much more.

Social media can now help you find your dream job (with professional sites such as LinkedIn), it can keep you up to date on the latest entertainment gossip and it can even alert you of public health issues you should be aware of.

By following your favorite news stations – both local and national – you can stay current on emergency issues you may need to know about.

Examples include incoming storms, beef recalls from local grocery stores and worldwide outbreaks of diseases. News channels can quickly and efficiently blast information to the public with just one Tweet, Facebook status update or trending alert.

Organizations you may want to follow to stay in-the-know include the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the Food and Drug Administration.

In-Tune with Health Alerts

An example of the power that social media has on consumers when it comes to health issues is when peanut butter was recalled in the summer of 2014 from Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found traces of salmonella in a variety of nut butters sold at the stores, including raw almond butter from Trader Joe’s and roasted almond butter at Whole Foods.

There have been dozens of similar recalls on a variety of meats, cheeses, ice creams, nut products and more.

By following public health associations on social media, you can stay in-the-know with food recalls and other important health outbreaks that may affect you and your family.

Social media helps keep the public current on health insurance issues that may affect you, too.

As the following article shows, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General releases 2015 work plan which goes in-depth on Medicare, Medicaid, public health issues and more.

Social Media Alerts Public of Health Issues

One of the reasons social media is so effective is because of the people who are using it actively.

People can share newsworthy articles and timely, relevant information with their family and friends and continue passing it on. This is also referred to as something going “viral.”

Any outbreak of a disease, such as the flu epidemic or Ebola, is shared and shared across social media and news channels until most everyone has been made of aware of what’s going on.

It starts with a simple Tweet, Facebook post or newsworthy article and goes from there.

Social media is currently the most effective way to share a news story, with a recent CNN study finding almost half of all news stories are shared on social media, followed by email, texting and instant messenger.

This is good news for the public.

If an emergency were to arise – anything from a weather emergency to a disease outbreak – you can rest assured knowing that you will hear about it as soon as the word gets out.

You can do your part by sharing and spreading newsworthy information with your social media followers, too.

from Darlene Milligan via SEO strategy experts London

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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

3 Scientifically Proven Reasons Why Collaboration Empowers Your Social Media Marketing

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Most organizations have just one person (in-house or outsourced) that manages their social media efforts. And that person would not only handle social media updates; there would probably be a bunch of other things on the side that they would also look after. Or there would be two people handling social media, because how much more can you spend on a medium whose results are hazy at best, right? Wrong.

My simple question here is, “If a discipline has ‘social’ in its name itself, how can it NOT be managed ‘socially’ or in other words, by a team?”

Social media deals with people, not just one person. Getting the inputs and perspectives of more than one individual helps your brand sound like a “person” – someone your target audience would like to be friends with, as opposed to a stodgy corporate stooge that one would run a mile from.

I don’t suggest that smart ideas and great campaigns only happen inside closed boardrooms with a large team hacking away all night long. Indeed, 78% of large companies have a dedicated social media team. Using an integrated, process-oriented setup where tasks are strategized with a project management service like Basecamp, and team conversations flow through (and are captured) within an email collaboration tool like Grexit, the resulting synergies are far superior to individual outcomes.

Don’t take my word on why teamwork can be so awesome for your social media marketing. Here are some strategies that have been found and corroborated across the inter-webs.

1. Collaboration Leads to Inspired Action

Since childhood we have been told that two heads are better than one. In corporate setups however, two heads often mean twice the professional rivalry, twice the jealousies, twice the politicking. A real productivity killer, or so you would imagine.

Emily Amanatullah, from the McCombs School of Business, coauthored a study with Francis Flynn of Stanford University, on the impact of high performers on the performance of those working with them.

Amanatullah and Flynn studied the performance of regular golfers in the presence of golfing stars and found that the mere presence of a high performer, inspired the average Joes to put in that extra bit of effort and produce better results. This inspired performance does not get left behind on the golfing greens.

The duo found that even in the office, high performers raise the bar, motivating team mates to do better. Weaker individuals emulate the stars and learn tips and tricks from them thus increasing overall productivity of the team. The catch here is that when star performers are in direct competition with their lesser gifted colleagues, they end up psyching out the latter.

Have a social media queen bee on your team? Someone with thousands of followers on Twitter, a diva with her own guest boards across Pinterest? Chances are, the rest of your team will be busy taking notes and honing their own skills on the job. The result? A team that learns from the best and helps your brand put its best foot forward.

2. Competition Makes You Pull Up Your Socks

John Van Reenen from the Center for Economic Performance (CEP) at the London School of Economics writes about the elevating effects of competition on organizational productivity. The CEP carried out a series of studies that showed that growth in competition led to improved and productivity. The best part? This spike in productivity continues as competition persists.

Another study by the CEP scrutinized over 3000 major innovations in the United Kingdom since the last World War. The results were telling. On an average, competition promoted innovation across the entire sample set the researchers had chosen.

How does this relate to social media marketing? Simple.

While collaborating with team members from across the organization, a barely hidden competitive streak is a given. This competition propels team members to go one up on each other by performing better than the next guy. The sum ends up being greater than its parts, leading to some real fireworks on social media (in a good way, of course!)

3. User Generated Content Connects You to Your Audience

Social media marketing is not about your brand saying stuff TO your target audience via social platforms. It’s about having a conversation WITH your fans and engaging with them on a one on one basis. This is the place to descend from your ivory tower, lower the drawbridge and allow your audience to come on board as co-creators, co-owners of your brand.

Research has shown over and over again that users trust user generated content WAY MORE than any amount of marketing spiel you put out there. Nielsen reports that “Ninety-two percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth and recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising”


Brands from Coca-Cola to GE to Starbucks are testimony to the soaring power of user collaborations and user generated content. A great fan tweet or image endorsing your brand does more to make your brand more relatable to users than hundreds of salesy posts ever can.

Source: Starbucks showcases UGC on its Facebook page

Want some numbers to bolster your belief in the power of user collaboration?

  • Curalate carried out a study about engagement rates on Pinterest and found that over 70% of engagement on Pinterest comes from community pins, not brand driven pins.

  • Social intelligence provider Syncapse found that 85% of brand fans on Facebook recommend brands they like to others.

  • A study by public relations firm Cone Communications found that 87% of users agree that favorable reviews for a product / service confirms their decision to buy it

From asking for product reviews to creating photo contests, from asking users to tweet a selfie using your product to honoring users by showcasing the content they generate on your social pages, the options to bring the “user angle” into your social media marketing are endless.

Parting Words

In my experience, the best social media results are achieved when a crackling team comprising diverse characters comes together to make marketing magic. Be it that brilliant engineer who cracked a tough product fix or that colorful super fan who can’t stop raving about your brand, bring them on board to take your social media marketing from “satisfactory” to “superb!”

from Darlene Milligan via SEO strategy experts London

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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Social Networking Opens Up Myriad Recycling Ways

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Sometimes it’s a challenge to know what to recycle or not and when you know recycling becomes easier.

Recycling organizations can reach out to customers in more than one way, including social media. With some reminders and nudges, social media can up the recycling efforts of communities.

Whether its email blasts to college dorms, Facebook posts to reach followers or reminder tweets, social media can reach a high number of the population.

Get in the Habit

Sometimes recycling just needs to become a habit. And once a habit is formed, we all know it’s tough to break, which in this case, is a good thing. It can take some effort to form that habit, though, and that’s where social media can come into play.

Whether companies are sending reminders and recycling lists or other businesses are posting information on the benefits of recycling, it all helps.

Many people intend to recycle, but forget or just aren’t sure what to do, so that gentle social media nudge can make all the difference.

Things to Recycle, in the Bin or Other Ways:

Whereas it once was that we could only recycle newspapers and soda cans, the items we can recycle now cover a wide array of our discards. Most of this information you can find on websites, social media and through recycling companies.

• Metals – Aluminum cans; aluminum foil, bake ware, steel cans and tin cans

• Paper – Corrugated cardboard, office paper, magazines, newspapers, paper food cartons like juice and milk, phone books, mail such as catalogues and other flyers

• Glass – Most glass such as clear, green and amber can be recycled, but see below for what kind of glass not to recycle.

• Plastics – This one is best to check through your company because there are so many kinds of plastic from dry cleaning bags to food containers and water bottles to toiletry containers. Most are recyclable as long as they are clean, but some (like bags) usually aren’t.

• *Batteries and light bulbs – These can be recycled, but usually not by being tossed in the recycling bin at your curb. Call your company to see what they take and how to get it to them. Car batteries are one of the most recycled products in this country, and can be used for a lot of things.

Don’t Assume it Can be Recycled

As the article, “The do not recycle list: What to keep out of your recycling bin” notes, do not just assume something can be recycled.

There are still quite a few things you can’t recycle. If you’re iffy, give your county, city or recycling company a call.

• Contaminated paper, such as pizza boxes with food left in them or used tissues or napkins.

• Mirror glass, ceramic, crystal, and other household glass. Check on the light bulbs because some companies will take these back.

• Plastic bags and Styrofoam are usually not recyclable. But you can reuse those plastic bags all you want.

• Hazardous material, like paint, oil and medical waste.

Again, what is recyclable varies by municipality.

Hop onto their social media sites to answer your questions and see what you can do with what.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of supakitmod at

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