Social media marketing changed a great deal in 2014, and some of these changes will be sticking around through the new year. Many newer trends are starting to emerge, as well.
A comprehensive viewpoint would obviously have to include content. Optimizing user experiences at the site level is the fundamental principle behind many current trends.
Audio and visual elements will be a particular hot trend this year. According to Albert Scaglione, founder and CEO of Park West Gallery, “Visual content can make more of an instant impression on customers than large blocks of text they have to sift through — particularly when they’re on mobile.”
You can be ready for 2015 by keeping an eye on the following trends.
Mobile is the new standard
No other platform is growing as fast as mobile. Because new portable devices are released every quarter, the ways to interact with brands on the move are surely going to continue to grow.
Inarguably, users will come to websites through mobile and even wearable devices. Instead of formulating a strategy that adapts to mobile as an afterthought, advertisers should focus on it first, then scale up to desktop and laptop functionality.
Video will be everywhere
YouTube is no longer the only venue for video content in social media marketing. Incorporating video into marketing campaigns means grabbing customers’ attention as they use content that initially attracts them.
Every social media marketing channel can now employ video content to drive conversions. Video content can be targeted so that you may tailor presentations to specific customers’ needs.
Visuals are more important than ever
Adding visuals to social media advertising is a great way to enhance the quality of a campaign. Images enable content to stand out from other advertisements, blend in more easily with posts from users’ friends and family, and offer an attractive invitation to learn more about the depicted service or product.
Facebook is not the only platform that offers visuals to marketing clients. Pinterest, Instagram, SlideShare, Twitter, Flickr, SnapChat, and all entail opportunities for incorporating images that enhance content.
Ad re-targeting is getting better
This strategy works by utilizing browser cookies to track the websites users visit. When they leave one site, whatever they viewed there will be shown to them again in ads at each subsequent website they visit.
Only two percent of web traffic converts on the first visit, but ad re-targeting empowers companies to increase their overall conversion rate by keeping in touch with consumers: you can remind them of your activities and strengthen their connection to you.
This empowers the brand and the product to remain at the forefront of the consumer’s mind.
Psychiatric studies have found that simple exposure to brand names and logos creates familiarity, and builds the level of trust that drives conversion rates. Even without an immediate purchase, re-targeting pays off over the long run.
The success of many marketers who use ad re-targeting makes this a very hot trend going into 2015.
Facebook isn’t the only game in town anymore
Given the explosion of social media sites in 2014, not to mention the rapid growth of the industry in the past decade, Facebook’s accustomed position as the sole source for social media marketing has become threatened. While it may still be the dominant outlet, with the broadest available audience, many newcomers can augment your social media marketing strategy.
In 2014, marketers learned that the broadest possible audience is not always the ideal audience. Tailored social media platforms — the ones that seek to unite people bonded by common interests — allow advertisers to have a specially made audience at their fingertips.
Marketers should continue to seek out resources for personalization and individual optimization as they craft a strategy for social media. Digital marketing in 2015 will be increasingly geared toward understanding individual customers and how to speak directly to them.
Diversity will increase
Social media marketers are developing novel means of reaching their audiences now that social media platforms have furnished a wider array of tools for doing so. As this article has been detailing, new features are constantly being added to enhance companies’ ability to create excellent marketing content.
Firms that do not experiment with new ways to reach potential customers will suffer from a lack of broad exposure. Every new feature on a social media site offers a potentially new channel for reaching customers.
There’s no reason to miss out on an opportunity for increased sales, when it can be simple and exciting to work with new methods. Staying ahead of the trends is the best way for you to do this.
With all of the exciting new possibilities, 2015 should be another groundbreaking year in the online marketing industry.
from Darlene Milligan via seo tips
from Tumblr
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