Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Put Your Customers First on Social Media

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Whether you run a well-known company or one that most people have not heard of outside of your hometown, social media is essentially a free and very worthwhile tool that should always be on your marketing radar.

That said what are you doing to promote your social networking in 2015?

Even though many companies know that social media is a key component of their brand promotions, too many others have not invested the time and effort into social media. As a result, they are missing out on golden opportunities to put their brand in front of countless eyes.

So, is social media one of your marketing priorities?

Being Relevant and Interactive

In order to have a winning social media platform with which to work from, make sure the following is on your agenda:

  1. Relevancy – Your tweets, shares, pins and more need to be relevant to what your brand is all about. Sure, it is okay to step outside the bounds from time to time, but consumers (most of them for that matter) will come to your social pages for information tied to what your business does. With that being the case, if you market clothing that includes the best bras and panties, you of course should be targeting women, but don’t write off the other gender just yet. Keep in mind, especially with holidays like Valentine’s Day right around the corner, many men shop for that special lady in their lives. As a result, social posts in this area should also be directed at a sizable segment of the male population;

  2. Interaction – You can’t have a winning social media game if you’re not being interactive with the public. Face it; there is a reason someone tweets or shares something with you and your company. Even if it is a customer service issue and it seems like they’re unhappy, do not ignore them. In nine out of 10 cases, if you ignore them, your competition will not. Interaction also means tweeting/retweeting, sharing, pinning etc. information that will be worthwhile to consumers;

  3. Consistency – Last but certainly not least, you need a consistent social media approach. For too many companies, they will tweet or share here, pin a little bit there, and so the beat goes on. If consumers look at your company Facebook or Twitter page and it has not been updated for days, perhaps even week in some extreme cases, do you really believe you look credible to the majority of them? Studies have shown that certain times and days of the week are best for social media activity, make sure you determine what is best for your company and brand to get that message out there regularly.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

from Darlene Milligan via simple website design

from Tumblr

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