Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Pinterest Boards Your Business Should Be Following in 2015

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Now that the Pinterest buzz has been pushed aside for Instagram, infographics, and a new wave of mobile marketing excitement, it’s a good time to really stop and look at some of the boards businesses have created. Industry leaders are constantly talking about who you should be following on Twitter and what Facebook pages offer value, but Pinterest boards aren’t often discussed (despite the fact that these same industry leaders offered tons of advice about how to use Pinterest to improve your business). However, there are plenty of businesses out there that really got Pinterest right, and they’re continually uploading content that could help a business gain inspiration and knowledge about a particular industry.

If your business is trying to get more involved in the Pinterest scene, following the right boards and making the right connections is key. If you’ve created an account for your businesses but are unsure who to follow, don’t sweat it. Although the buzz might be over, you haven’t missed the Pinterest boat. The network is still going strong with 70 million users.

Top 7 Pinterest Boards Your Business Should be Following

It seems that Pinterest is really divided into three different categories: Design and art, serious business advice, and funny or inspirational quotes. While there are of course exceptions, the posts found on Pinterest can usually be filtered into one of these three categories. The third category isn’t usually helpful to businesses, but the first two certainly are.

Pinterest Boards For the Art Enthusiasts

Those who operate a design, fashion, food, or decorating business usually get the most out of Pinterest. On this front, many businesses have too many options when it comes time to follow certain boards. In most cases, it’s best to try and following your competition and other businesses similar to yours, not so you can copy what they are doing or sharing, but so you can make sure you’re bringing something unique to the table.

With that said, specific businesses will want to follow different boards. However, below are a few of the boards that have done it best, and they’re worth following just to see some great artwork and designs:

Every business has some sort of workspace, and this board offers a bunch of cool ideas when it comes to designing where you will work. There is a good variety here for those with all different styles, and the board already has 3,621,050 followers.

Boards about gifts are always great because they can serve several purposes including not only gift ideas, but creative designs and different ways to present a gift. You can really have fun with colors and patterns when giving a gift, so this is a great place for inspiration.

More and more people are becoming interested in natural. Whether it be organic foods, neutral color tones, or flowers and plants, the idea of nature is everywhere. This board offers great options for landscaping and outdoor décor that capitalizes on this new phenomenon.

Pinterest Boards For the Suit-and-Tie Businesses

Finding Pinterest boards that are similar to industries like marketing, technology, or sales is much more difficult to find on the network. These businesses have the opposite problem of businesses that put a lot of emphasis on the visual; however some of these suit-and-tie businesses have been able to make it work:

This board is great because it offers a lot of great data and cool statistics along with infographics and links to articles. Many boards put a focus on infographics entirely, but this board always brings in a little bit of creativity.

This is a great board because it helps keep you updated with the latest technology gadgets and tools. Your could very well see something that could help grow your business on this board, so it’s good to keep up with. In fact, there are already 1,498,501 followers!

This board is great because it is specific. Any company that has a Twitter account should follow this board to learn some new techniques. The board is full of infographics to help make all the information easy to understand.

This is one board that works great for designers as well as businesses. Every business needs a logo, and most business owners know that logos are not always easy to create. This board helps give businesses inspiration when it comes to logos.

Are there any Pinterest boards that you love to follow? What makes you love that business’ new posts? Let us know in the comments below!

from Darlene Milligan http://ift.tt/1yZaKkX via simple website design

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1zs3HmG

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