It seems everything these days is expensive.
It all costs money, and usually lots of it, from food to family and from cars to college.
Consumers are fortunate, though, to be able to use social media to their advantage and find the best cost and way to buy and pay for certain things.
Whether you’re looking at calculators or what’s for dinner, take a look at social media to help out and empower you regarding your family’s spending.
When your kids are young…
Little kids cost money; there’s a lot of spending that goes on. Take a look at social media for some of these things:
• Play classes – Many times a new mommy wants to get her toddler into a play class. Hop on social media to find some of the best deals in your area for this.
• Preschool – Preschool costs can vary immensely. It’s almost like applying to college (well not really, but there are some similarities). Check out social media to help guide you through this, from what kind of school you want to the hours you want to what you’ll be paying.
• Free stuff – Don’t neglect the fine art of free. From free museum days to story times to craft classes – you can often use social media to find fun things to do that don’t cost any money.
As they get older…
With bigger kids comes bigger spending.
It would be nice if the reality of “Oh, they’re out of diapers -how much money I’ll save” and then “Oh, no more paying for preschool because they’re in public school” matched what we thought it would be, but there’s always something else to take the place of the money you’re not spending anymore.
So look at these things for saving:
• Shoes and clothes – whether it’s for their sport or just because it’s the in thing, your kids will want certain clothes and shoes. Hop on social media to look for sales from your favorite stores or to be the first to get coupons and discounts.
• Sports and activities – If your child is into sports or other activities, you need to sign them up. Investigate the best team, area and level you want to be involved in through social media.
• College and other academic endeavors – It all starts with social media sites now. You can learn a lot about costs and fees through social media, and this will be a big factor in making these choices.
As the following article, “Adoption questions about the cost of raising a child” looks at, maybe you are considering adoption, whether you already have children or not.
Finances should be considered about the costs involved in adoption and raising the child.
• You can find groups through social media that are doing the same thing as you and a lot of your questions can be answered.
• You can find the best route to take in your area to see an adoption through, and not be surprised about the costs involved.
• Social media can offer you and your child a network to be part of throughout his or her childhood and beyond.
Social media has evolved into one of the consumer’s best resources, no matter what you’re looking to spend or save on.
When it comes to family matters of finance and spending, don’t forget to check out social media before those purchases.
from Darlene Milligan via simple wordpress themes
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