Monday, 29 June 2015

7 More Ideas to Boost Facebook Newsfeed Visibility

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Socialnomics authors have written several times before about the best ways to engage Facebook users. If those ways have worked for you, and you’re looking for more creative approaches to do the same, here’s some more things you can try.

1.    Post at a Time When People Are Most Likely to Engage With You

According to QuickSprout, Thursday and Friday are the best days to post on Facebook. The answer might be different in your case, but in general, it’s a good idea to update your page when people are in the mood to relax via social media.

2.    Be More Personable

Sure, Facebook users like to consume information; but they also like to feel as though they’re in a conversation with an interesting, authentic brand. If you talk to your audience as though they’re a single person, your conversational-yet-authoritative voice will shine through, and you’ll be able to engage people.

3.    Share Articles From Sources Other Than Your Blog

There’s nothing wrong with updates about your latest blog posts. However, you’ll better serve your audience if you post about content from other, authoritative sources too, like what Vegas Dream Homes did with Bright Nest. Just don’t post anything from a competitor!

4.    Repurpose Content

Out of blog post ideas? Repurpose your old posts into new forms of content. Turn them into infographics and videos for visual learners, podcasts for auditory learners or games for kinesthetic learners. You can also update your old posts, if applicable, and share them again as though they’re brand new.

5.    Use Pop Culture References in Your Image Captions

Pick the ones that your target audience is most likely to get. For example, if the latest Spiderman movie is showing in theaters at the moment, you can use a caption like “Bet Spiderman would love this!” Try not to be too obscure with your references, though; otherwise, it will just fly over your audience’s heads, and all that effort to look clever will be for nothing.

 6.    Prepare a Creative Holiday Greeting

Remember to greet your Facebook audience on special days, like New Year’s Eve, Christmas, Hanukkah, Fourth of July, etc. You can top it off with an eye-catching card or a promo, whichever is more appropriate.

7.    Name-Drop a Famous Person Who Endorses Your Brand

Celebrity endorsements only happen once in a blue moon, so when they do, don’t hesitate to take advantage of them. As soon as you spot an article on how much a famous person loves your brand, share it with your followers. If the celebrity in question has a good reputation, that might rub off on your product.

On an ever-changing platform like Facebook, more creative approaches to marketing are necessary. Experiment with these approaches one at a time, see which ones resonate with your target audience, and make the most of them.

from Darlene Milligan via local SEO company
from Tumblr

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