Monday, 22 June 2015

Use Social Media to Click with the Right Telephone System

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If you run a small business, a large part of your job is communicating with customers, vendors and employees.

In order to communicate effectively, your business needs to have the right phone system in place. If your phone constantly cuts out, loses signal or drops calls, your business will eventually be affected in a negative way.

To make sure you choose the right phone system for your business, you should research a variety of systems plus rely on social media.

Options Seem Endless

As the following article looks at, when it comes to telephone systems, the options can seem endless.

It’s important to ask yourself what you want and what you need out of a phone.

Caller ID, for example, might be a must, but do you really need “hold music” for when you place your client’s on hold? Some businesses do, whereas others can get away with not having it.

Do you want to be able to make calls from your computer?

If so, a business VoIP, or voice over internet protocol, could give you the most value for your buck.

Dial-in Social Media

In addition to researching a variety of telephone systems companies, it’s in your best interest to also turn to social media when looking for the best phone system.

Social media is quickly becoming a large form of communication.

You can find information on products, read reviews, ask for others’ opinions, get discounts and more.

Specifically, here is how you can use social media to get the best phone system:

  • Follow your favorite phone systems companies – Once you’ve narrowed down your search, follow your top companies on social media. Typically, companies will announce on social media when they are running special promotions or any discounts you might be eligible for. Take advantage of these discounts by simply following your top contenders’ social media profiles.
  • Read reviews – Oftentimes, if users have a positive or negative review of a phone company, they will post their thoughts with a hashtag (#) of the company’s name. This can be an easy way for you to read honest reviews from other businesses and phone system users.
  • Engage with the company – Instead of just following companies, why not take it one step further and reach out to them? You can ask questions, speak with someone who works for the company and simply touch base to let the company know you are interested in using their phone systems.
  • Ask family and friends what they think – Hopefully, you have active social media profiles with hundreds of followers. Most likely, some of your followers are business colleagues and associates. Reach out to them on social media and ask what they use for their phone system. Someone might have a great recommendation for you and might be able to get you in contact with a helpful representative.

These days, social media can be used for everything – including connecting with family and friends, finding jobs, receiving important weather updates and even finding the right phone system for your small business.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Shutterstock

from Darlene Milligan via local SEO company
from Tumblr

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