Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Social Media as an Effective Tool For Learning

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Many experts and apparent professionals criticize social media as a negative development for this society. We are totally aware of the fact that every aspect and process has its pros and cons, so why not stick to the positive dimensions of social media? The usage and application of any concept is totally reliant on an individual. Whether they are inclined towards its positive usage or looking forward to create distractions for themselves as well as for others, the treatment or the practicality entirely depends on the human mind.  Keeping every debate and argument aside, we have made sure that social media delivers and presents to the mankind what it needs the most; learning and education. The acquiring of education is not limited to the high schools or university going classes, therefore, you do not have to make excuses in order to attain knowledge and insights. Social media works as a positive tool for this purpose, keeping it simple yet detailed; social media has provided itself to be one of the most inspiring and impressive platforms, especially for the upcoming youth. With the exposure, they have created and initiated an inline based community, which deals with education and informal aspects of learning. The niche of social media is different, yet attracts millions of users in a day. Let us analyze in detail why and how this medium is said to be more effective than the others and why the teachers should encourage its use in the classroom.

Contributors and participants

Social media is a forum, which incorporates millions of users and individuals. This is why, it is said to be more global as it includes people from all the backgrounds, races and cultural wisdom. This way the number of participants and contributors increase, and every individual based on their own sets of knowledge and experience contributes with a positive intention, which is read, liked and appreciated by all. This way knowledge does not remain stagnant and is in a constant flow, from one individual to another.

Reliability and credibility

Regardless of fake and hoax programs offered by the internet, social media is more reliable and therefore authentic. There are certain mediums which depict and present knowledge, which falls right under the praiseworthy category and is approved by the experts. This way credible and dependable knowledge is transferred to people and the users and this is how they benefit from it on a regular basis.

Part of e-learning program

Many students are taking part and enrolling themselves in online based programs, which offer short courses and sessions. They are of different quality, but serve the same purpose. Moreover, social media is an efficient and a capable part of e-learning. They assist the students and those who are seeking help academically or intellectually, by pursuing everyday discussions and online debates.

Informal learning

In a nutshell, social media is said to be a productive and a constructive medium for informal learning. With new innovations and thinking perceptions, it has changed the way students think and achieve education. With the availability of online articles, scholarly journals and opinionated related blogs, students can get first-hand knowledge about various new disciplines and teach themselves.

from Darlene Milligan via local search for landscapers
from Tumblr

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