Friday, 26 June 2015

Is Your Online Portfolio Social Enough?

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If you’re trying to take your online portfolio to new heights, social media can help.

Whether you’re building your portfolio in order to boost your career search or you just want to increase your online presence, social media is a great place to start.

Here are just a few ways social media can help you get your online portfolio on the right track:

Polish Your Work

Before you even begin to think about growing your online portfolio, you must first polish your work.

The word “work” covers anything from your résumé to any tangible items that display your talents.

For example, if you want to change career paths and become an online retailer, then your work would be the merchandise you’re selling and any selling experience you may have.

In other words, make sure what your planning on putting in your portfolio is ready for the online world.

If you have past employment experiences or a collection of experiences that prove you’re ready to up your career game, polish that information and make it ready for online audiences.

An online portfolio can take many shapes and forms.

Business professionals have online portfolios filled with corporate benchmarks whereas creative professionals have portfolios filled with examples of their artistic talents. All of these areas fall under the portfolio umbrella.

Promote Your Professionalism

Once your work is polished, you can set your sights on social media.

As the following article looks at, when it comes to the power and impact of an online portfolio, LinkedIn is a great place to promote your professionalism. Not only does LinkedIn allow users to upload their résumés, it also lets other users endorse one another.

Another great thing about LinkedIn is the fact that having a LinkedIn account is basically like having an online portfolio.

You can post your work experience, career updates, and professional connections via your LinkedIn homepage, which is the perfect starter portfolio.

Promote Your Brand

LinkedIn can help you boost your professional portfolio, but if you want to increase your overall social portfolio, then Facebook and Twitter are the answer.

More and more businesses and professionals are using Facebook and Twitter to promote their brands and stay current.

You can do the same by posting industry topics and tweeting industry related information through your social accounts.

If you’re in search of a new career, then it’s important to know hiring managers are turning to Facebook profiles to get more information on potential candidates.

With that said, keeping your social activities clean and professional is always good practice.

Consider a Portfolio Website

Creating a website that’s dedicated to your continuously progressing portfolio is an effective way to grow your online presence.

With a personal website portfolio, you can create a custom design and layout that puts your skills and accomplishments in the spotlight.

Once you’ve built an amazing website, you can then share your portfolio on Facebook, LinkedIn, or any of the other social avenues out there. By doing so, you can direct traffic to your website portfolio while also growing your social presence.

When you’re ready to increase your presence and career possibilities, keep in mind the online portfolio pointers above.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

from Darlene Milligan via local SEO company
from Tumblr

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