Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Get the Repairs You Need with Social Media

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It’s a rainy Monday morning and your car breaks down.

Or you’re driving to pick your kids up from school and get in a fender bender.

All is okay except your car needs some repair.

Whether it’s just a minor scrape and dent from an accident, more serious damage or a basic repair, you’ll need a reputable, reliable car repair shop to take care of your car.

Drive Forward with Social Media

Car repair shops are one of those businesses where word-of-mouth is huge in marketing.

Sure, print, radio or TV ads may bring in some business, but it’s expensive for what it’s worth.

To keep the word-of-mouth going strong, car repair shops should be incorporating some social media into their marketing repertoire, and this helps you out when you are searching for somewhere to go.

On your end, the first thing you can do is ask around your friends and colleagues for a recommendation on car repair. One of those ways is asking on social media.

Pose a question on Facebook and probably more likely than not, you’ll get a wide variety of responses. Once you have some possibilities of where to go, check out the repair shops online.

Though car repair may not be the forerunning business for social media, most places do have a web page and some social media, even a blog or newsletter.

Take a look; see what they are doing.

Many shops incorporate Foursquare or Facebook check in and you can use this to see how often customers are using it. Read their Facebook page to see what customers have to say about them and what reviews they leave.

Even if you have to find a place on your own, check out their social media before going. You can view a Twitter feed to see what customers say and how responses flow or Facebook for the same purpose.

Social media is an excellent tool for finding a business. And you don’t have to stop once the repairs are done. If you’ve found a good repair shop, connect with them.

You may enjoy their newsletter or blog, or want to friend them on Facebook or follow on Instagram. You may be the next one referring someone to them.

Your Own Rights

You will also want to be aware of your own rights in the case of an accident.

All states have somewhat varying rights, but it pays to check out some information if you’ve been injured.

For instance, the following article, “Car accidents in Florida: Risky business” allows drivers in the Sunshine State to get some up-to-date, valid information in case of injury.

Remember to check into the rights of your own state, all the while getting more social with your repair needs.

Photo credit: Big

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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