Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Healthy Social Media Interaction is Good for Your Baby

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Having a new baby is one of the most beautiful times of a woman’s life. It’s adorable, gentle, innocent, with that sweet baby smell enveloping it all.

But wait – there are sleepless nights, exhausting bouts of crying, and not so sweet odors permeating your life.

It can be lonely and frustrating for new moms, along with the sweet and lovingness of it all.

Social Media Plays a Role

Here’s where social media plays a role.

You’re up in the middle of the night and wondering about a million things that worry you about your baby. Or you hang up the phone with your mommy friend who just told you that her new baby just rolled over. But your baby hasn’t. Should you worry? Well, you probably are anyway.

But all it takes now is a turn towards social media.

Sometimes social media can be more of a friend to a new mom than other sources online.

We all have been there to read about a common symptom and the worst case scenario…but with social media, you can chat with real moms who have been where you are now. You can find support and real answers.


Mommy blogs are huge.

You can find them written by new moms, single moms, experienced moms, homeschooling moms, religious moms, vegan moms, confident moms and moms just like you.

According to a piece in, 14 percent of American women with at least one child blog about parenting or turn to blogs for advice, according to a recent study by Scarborough Research. And about 3.9 million U.S. moms identify themselves as bloggers. That’s a lot of blogs.

As the following article looks at, you can find topics on anything, from 5 ways to connect with your baby to what to dress your baby in for his or her 6-month photo.

By finding a couple of blogs that fit you and your method of parenting, you can have someone turn to. Because with blogs come communities.

Social Media Sites and Communities

Not only can you look at blogs, but also social media sites like Facebook.

Communities are also big, too, like BabyCenter, which offers things relevant to each age with pieces covering birthday parties, nutrition, even poop.

And these are the things you don’t think about until you’re there, and all you want is to make sure your baby is fine and thriving.

Social Media Can Grow With You and Your Baby

Just because your baby grows out of diapers and a crib, doesn’t mean your questions and concerns will stop. In fact they may just get bigger.

You’ll worry about dating and parties and college.

And you’ll still look to social media for information. You may change the social media sites and people you follow, but you’ll still appreciate valuable information all the same.

New moms need socialization. Sometimes it’s easier to find it through social networks.

That’s not to say your real friends should be ignored, and they are what really matters, but sometimes your best friend is tired of hearing about mashed carrots or you need an answer now despite the fact that it is 3 a.m.

Social media can help.

Photo credit:

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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