Online education is a field that has grown tremendously over the past couple of years. There are now thousands of courses that people can take to increase their skills online. One of the best ways to make an online course more effective is to integrate social media into it. There are many ways in which this can be done. There are several studies that show younger people are more likely to participate in online courses if there is some social media component to it. Here are a couple of ways that anyone can accomplish this with an online course.
Live Tweet
A live tweet session is when the teacher of an online course goes on to Twitter and answers live questions. There are many different benefits to doing this. A live tweet session makes students feel more engaged in the process. In addition, they can get their questions answered directly by the professor of the class. There are many people who would never ask a question in a real classroom. However, a live tweet session will open up the world of possibilities for shy students.
Periscope is a social media platform that allows a person to send a video to their followers. This is a fairly new app to hit the market, but already many people are spending a ton of time on it. A teacher in an online class could use this social media tool to their advantage in several ways. Whether it is by giving out hints to an upcoming test or just sharing some knowledge in their area, always make sure to have some exposure to the Periscope app while in an online course. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of getting in contact with students.
Online Forums
There are several websites where teachers can sign their class up for online forums. This is a great way for students to engage with other people in the classroom. In addition, a lot of content knowledge is discussed here that can go a long way in enhancing a person’s learning experience. An online forum works where a person can post an answer online and then others discuss it. There will generally be much more participation around an online question than a typical classroom one. This is a great option for people who want their students to go to the next level when it comes to discussing questions on the subject.
Note Taking
There are several different social media options when it comes to note taking and saving. This is one of the most difficult things for many students to do. Not only is taking notes difficult, but it is also hard to stay organized when it comes to all of your notes. Many students in an online format really struggle with taking notes because they are not there in person to ask questions. Any online course needs to have some sort of note taking software where students can upload and share notes for other students to study. This will go a long way when it comes to students enjoying and passing the class. Online education is one of the best choice options when it comes to bettering oneself.
Final Thoughts
There are many other ways that social media can be included into online education other than the ones mentioned here. However, an online course can exponentially increase its chances of success with students by incorporating social media into all aspects of the class. Online education is a booming field right now, and many people believe that one day online education will be more common than the traditional education route.
from Darlene Milligan http://ift.tt/1QhkIGn via transformational marketing
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1XToRm0
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