Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What To Say When Your Friend Says Social Media is Evil…

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What To Say When Your Friend Says Social Media is Evil…

You’re wrong. Facebook’s “Safety Check” feature is proving yet another benefit of social media. Safety Check allows users to let their family and friends know they are safe. The feature was originally intended for natural disasters but Facebook has decided they will begin using it more frequently for different events. The feature was most recently available in Nigeria and Paris after tragic attacks. Mark Zuckerberg said, “We care about all people equally, and we will work hard to help people suffering in as many of these situations as we can.” Points for Facebook. Great idea. (Source TIME)

Quote of the Day: “They’ve changed themselves from worst in class to the best in class.”

Microsoft isn’t messing around when it comes to security. CEO Satya Nadella is spending $1 billion a year to try and make Microsoft products more secure against hackers. That’s a lotta cash. It’s awkward because just a few years ago working for Microsoft security was considered to be one of the worst jobs in tech since the products were prone to issues. But with their new changes the past couple of years this is no longer the case. Cybersecurity is important – especially considering the amount of hacks that have happened over the past year – so snaps for Microsoft stepping up their game. (Source Business Insider)

In Case You Missed It…

If you have yet to see “An Irishman in Vegas” check it out below. Joseph Griffin pulled a classic dad move when he recorded his whole Vegas vacation with his son’s GoPro. But the GoPro was pointed at him, rather than filming a memorable Vegas vaycay. His son took it as his responsibility to post the vlog to YouTube where it has reached over 6 million views.  We guess he knows now that What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube…literally. (Source Yahoo)

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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