Friday, 11 March 2016

13 Ways to Simplify Your Local Marketing Strategy in 2016

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With the buzz around social media always getting stronger, it is very easy to get carried away with your business strategy. And more often than not, most business owners have done exactly that. For any venture to be successful, it is really important to get a strong grip on the local market. Looking at the market dynamics till date, following is a compilation of a few important tips for successful local marketing: -

1)      Identify primary customers: – You have to know who the people are most likely to buy your product / service. Even better if you know exactly who your primary, secondary and tertiary targets are.

2)      Utilize their behavioural pattern: - Once the targets are well identified, ensure you know their exact behavioural pattern. This would ensure your marketing strategy is most likely to draw out the desired response from your potential buyers.

3)      Choose authentic data: - In order to follow the first two points as well as analysing the result of your marketing efforts, it would be critically important to identify authentic data sources. There are several sources for data available and often they do not necessarily match each other. It is also advisable, if possible, to set up some kind of data collation mechanism by your own methods rather than blindly relying on external resources.

4)      Pick what you need, not a gimmick: -talking about data and more, there are always plenty on offer, especially when you look at marketing tools. No doubt that quite a few tools are actually excellent. But not necessarily all of them are relevant. Pick strictly what is relevant to your business needs and discard the rest- no matter how gorgeous the discarded might look.

5)      God lies in simplicity: - It is always tempting for every marketer to go overboard with design intricacies in their promotion, content, website layout and so on. However, if the intricacies are achieved at the cost of simplicity, the battle is lost even before it has begun. Opt for simplistic approach as that is what is more likely to gather maximum attention from local consumer base, especially if they are looking at your communication while in a rush.

6)      Go mobile: - And talking about being in rush, in almost every place today a seriously higher number of people are accessing digital medium while on the go through their cellular phones rather than laptops and desktops. If you want to grab maximum market share in the local arena, you would do well to focus specifically on mobile friendly website approach.

7)      Object oriented content: -Another temptation of digital platform is to fill it up with information- a suicidal move indeed! Look at the core object of your communication and create your content accordingly; it is always more likely to engage your target audience.

8)      Engage, don’t sell: - And engagement is the key. Social media is less for selling and more for interaction. As has been the trend so far, people engage more through social media and buy more through websites. So strategize accordingly.

9)      Be flexible: - Always keep in mind that even the local market dynamics is ever changing in its momentum; so keep the option of flexibility of strategy to be applied in execution ready without hesitation.

10)   Call for action, not list creation: - Your website needs to call for action for your audience, and it is highly advisable to not waste consumer interest in creating database. Hence, keep a single click button for a call rather than making them fill up a form for a call back.

11)   Ensure 100% attendance: - And when the consumers call, do not miss a call- hit the iron while it is perfectly hot to be shaped the way you want.

12)   Inform about consumer’s need, not yours: - Always ensure that your consumers’ needs are being linked to your product/ service being offered; hence, you offer them a solution rather than they offering business returns.

13)   E-commerce- forever: - And of course, wherever applicable deploy e-commerce as online purchases for even local consumers are ever increasing.

In order to deploy all the pointers mentioned above, be well informed about digital marketing services available to you. Choose the right partner for your business to have maximum penetration in the local market.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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