Trump Talks HUUUGE Penis – Twitter Explodes
Last night was yet another GOP Debate. If you missed it, you missed Trump assuring the American people that there is no problem with the size of his hands, or anything else, as Marco Rubio suggested. Trump raised his hands up saying, “Look at those hands, are they small hands?” Trump backed himself up saying, “And, he referred to my hands — ‘if they’re small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.” A weird topic in a Presidential Debate? Yes. Twitter exploded. Jokes were cracked, Trump was talked about, the people came together. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain (Source CNN)
What To Say When Going Through Your Closet…
Keep, keep, trash, sell, giveaway, keep. Yahoo is doing a bit of a clean up with exploring the idea to sell their “non-core” assets. What are “non-core” assets? Think patents and fun stuff like that. Over the last three years, the company has sold more than $600 million in patents. The struggle is that they don’t know what to sell and what to keep and how to make everyone happy. (Source Reuters)
Put That On My Wishlist
The next thing you need in your life is the Amazon Echo Dot. Think Amazon Echo but smaller, cheaper and still smart. Take Amazon Echo, chop off some of it and bam you have the Echo Dot. You can still talk to Alexa and ask her to play your favorite jams but unlike the Echo you need to set up your own audio system. Alexa, we want a Amazon Echo Dot. (Source CNET)
Learn more about the Echo Dot by clicking here
Learn more about the Echo Dot by clicking here
from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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