If you are setting out as a business or personality with significant presence on the web, you’ve got an uphill battle ahead of you. The internet is packed with people and products that already do what you do, more or less. To make a place for yourself in hearts, minds, and wallets of the great unwashed masses, you’ve got to distinguish yourself in multiple ways. And you’re going to make some mistakes along the way. Some of these mistakes might stick with you, other might disappear. Still others might be forgotten for a long time, only to emerge years down the road at the worst possible moment. Knowing which is which, and dealing with them accordingly, is the key to long-term success in your growth as a business or personality. Here are the different kinds of mistakes, and how to deal with them.
1) The Flash in the Pan. Most of your missteps will be of this variety. Just look at Donald Trump’s Presidential candidacy to understand how past mistakes don’t necessarily hurt, if you have the money and ego sufficient to ignore them. Most mistakes don’t come back to haunt you at all. This is an important thing to realize. As far as the internet is concerned, anything that has been out of mind for 48 hours or more is old news. In a world where every possibility is just a few clicks away, you’re floundering efforts to make a place for yourself will be quickly forgotten. Grow a thicker skin, give yourself a break, and move on.
2) The Growing Concern. Of course, some internet misdeeds flare up into scandals. If you have one of these growing in your business, it’s time to assess the situation realistically. The worst problems have to do with the erosion of your reputation. If people think your business can’t be trusted, this perception will have a corrosive impact on your ability to grow. The competition that the internet makes possible makes businesses of all types an increasingly consumer-focused affair. A good Reputation Management Company can be just the thing to smooth some of these issues over. Let’s say, for instance, that you had a rash of poor service several months back, when your shipping vendor went out of business. Negative word of mouth online can fester and grow, and it can be really helpful to have a company like the one linked above to help scrub away some of the problems before they grow into big problems. This is especially appropriate if the problem has since been remedied.
3) The Old News. If a forgotten issue from the past comes back to haunt you, take the necessary responsibility and press on. Resist the need to be defensive. Your future success depends on your ability to act like an adult during scandal and prove your worth by correcting the wrong and moving forward.
You will have a greater chance of success if you grow your business, while managing your mistakes well. Stick to it, and they won’t hold you back from achieving your goals.
from Darlene Milligan http://ift.tt/1X0otBh via transformational marketing
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1X1qgWJ
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