Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Instagram Now Available on Microsoft

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What Happens when Instagram meets Microsoft..

Microsoft is happier than a seven year old boy who’s just been told the dentist called, and cancelled his appointment. Why, you ask? Oh, just because the long overdue Instagram app (owned by Facebook) is now in beta and available for Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile. This is a big deal since the absence of the app was affecting Microsoft sales. There was a version of the app for Windows 8 but it lacked serious features and was saturated with complaints regarding the lack of updates.

The new version isn’t exactly identical to what you’ll see on other devices and no word has been said whether a “universal app” will be released. However, Microsoft couldn’t be happier. Instagram asks that users report any issues on the app ASAP. **P.S wanna know the Top 100 Insta pages to follow, Rolling Stone has you covered. (Source MSN)

What Happens When Reflexes Kick In..

Do you find yourself instantaneously liking those ridiculously adorable puppy posts on Facebook? Well scammers figured this trend out and they’re taking advantage of it. The scam “like-farming” has been a popular trend among the hacking community for its ability to con people out of their private information and because it’s working. Like-farming is when scammers post an attention-grabbing story on social media for the sole purpose of curating likes, comments, and shares. At first the content doesn’t contain anything malicious but after the post gets a certain number of shares scammers will edit the article to contain spam.

The trend has been around for a while but Facebook is still seeing a huge amount of like-farming activity. Sooo how to protect yourself? When scrolling thru Facebook be wary of “emotional” posts, these revolve around heartfelt and sincere topics. Pause that reflexive thumb to determine if that post on “Cutest Ways Kittens Say I Love You”  is truly worthy of a like. (Source Consumer Affairs)

What to Have for Breakfast.

May I please have french toast and a side of Kevin Bacon. A new commercial from the American Egg Board has our favorite Footloose star and he’s getting frisky with a teen’s mom. The witty commercial stars Kevin Bacon alongside his brother Michael Sausage (haha jk) serenading the camera. Wanna see the witty commercial, check it out here. (Source Mashable)

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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