Thursday, 17 March 2016

How to Use Social Media for Promoting PowerPoint Presentation

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Social media is most certainly a powerful tool for gaining exposure. Suppose you are all set with your PowerPoint presentation, you have given it the finishing touches and have rehearsed it. You are absolutely confident and sure about the subject matter and you are ready to showcase your fantastic presentation to your audience. Your aim should not only be delivering an informative and a fantastic presentation but to make sure that people would be talking about it, praising it even long after you have given your presentation. How to achieve that? The secret is integrating social media to your PowerPoint presentations. Social media is an effective and inexpensive way of promoting your presentation and to keep your existing and new audience chatting about it.

You simply cannot undermine the role of social media in this digital era. People keep tweeting about their experiences. They are always sharing their video clips especially, the ones that they love, on Facebook. People are posting their pictures on Instagram all the time, highlighting their lives. They are pinning numerous photos on Pinterest. Social media actually guarantees that your presentation would have a far-reaching impact and not just influence the people who are present in the room while you are delivering your presentation.  Your audience could be watching your entire presentation online via a recording on a tablet or computer or even a live stream.

Social Media Integration before the Presentation

In order to integrate social media effectively into your presentation for boosting your overall reach, first of all, you require identifying the social media channels used by your audience for sharing. If you are delivering your presentation at any conference, or as a member of a bigger group, you may have access to the social media channels they encourage members in the audience to communicate via. This is the best way of promoting a conference by encouraging audience engagement.

For instance, the highly-hyped annual Inbound Marketing Conference that was hosted by HubSpot, who are the most acclaimed and undisputed masters of engaging audience, promoted its conference chiefly with #INBOUND14 (this includes the conference title and the relevant year). Every speaker had a twitter handle beside his name. This really encouraged members in the audience to engage and get excited about the conference even weeks before it could take place. You could always share the promotional materials of your event via your own favorite social networking sites.

If you are delivering a presentation not as a part of any conference but as an individual then you could consider creating your own hashtag for promoting your presentation, and sharing it on social media networking sites. For creating your own hashtag, you need to choose a suitable keyword that is an apt expression of your presentation topic. You could then go about adding a special word, which makes the hashtag really unique to you. Use your hashtags in the social media networking sites, so that the audience could start identifying it with your event and incorporate it into their very own posts. You could go ahead and share graphics, photos, news articles and all other types of pre-presentation publicity materials with your audience-to-be, well ahead of time. When you share different kinds of media, you get an opportunity to engage with a wide variety of audience and you are able to gauge what are the channels they use for sharing. For instance, if your audience is sharing a lot via Instagram, you should make it a point to boost your presence there.

Social Media Incorporation during the Presentation

Remember to display your precise social media account details and information on the presentation screen as people are walking into the presentation room. While some members of the audience are sitting and waiting for the rest to arrive, many of them are on tablets and smartphones. They should be given the information for following you on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and all your social networking sites that seem to be relevant to your precise audience.

While presenting, keep in mind that members of the audience would be sharing whatever you are saying in your presentation with their very own audiences. Many people would be tweeting your key points or may be their reactions. You must make sure that your key points are pretty much Twitter friendly. You must restrict yourself to 140 characters while expressing your main ideas so that the people in the audience could easily share them via Twitter and could even include your twitter handle or a hashtag.

Keep Monitoring During the Presentation

While the presentation is on, you must keep monitoring the different social media networking sites. If your venue offers enough technical support, you could consider having a second screen to display tweets on a real-time basis. If a second screen is not available, you could monitor audience engagement by reviewing the feed on your smartphone or tablet. If even this doesn’t seem to be possible, ask your friend or colleague to monitor social media developments and activity to check out if the audience is really enjoying the presentation. If your colleague or friend observes a real disconnect with your audience, he could raise an alert via signaling so that you could browse through the feeds on your smartphone or tablet and re-adapt and re-adjust accordingly.

You could consider taking Twitter breaks in between your presentation to see if you are able to engage with your audience. Include a Question & Answer Session at the end of the presentation. You could solicit questions from members of the audience, in a conventional manner, but at the same time, you could ask them to submit their specific questions via Twitter using twitter handle or your specific promotional hashtag.

Role of Social Media after the Presentation

You could consider sharing highlights via social media networks once the presentation is over. Audience members and other people, who are interested, but who had failed to attend your presentation, could start sharing your content via their own channels. You should certainly link all content shared by you to your website, your own social media profile or some other resources so that more and more people could engage with you.


If people are reaching out to you through social media by commenting on your presentation, you must devote some time to responding back and continuing the conversation. This boosts your audience engagement and allegiance. Your response would demonstrate to your audience how much you actually value them and their opinion. This would surely create a greater feeling of community. This would make your presentation a truly memorable one!

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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