Friday, 15 April 2016

Make a Healthy Effort to Benefit from Social Media

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With all the information that is out there in the online world, learning how to take better care of yourself and those you love should not be all that difficult.

Granted, any healthcare information found online must be taken at times with a grain of salt, especially when not coming from a recognized doctor, nurse, medical facility etc.

Having said that, there is much to learn on social media, healthcare information that ultimately could save your life or someone around you, be it a family member, friend, or even a stranger.

Socializing the Healthcare Process

In order to best benefit from what social media can offer you in terms of healthcare advice, keep these items fresh in your mind:

  • Know where to look – First and foremost, knowing where to go on social media for the best healthcare advice is of course important. From turning to sites like WebMD for myriad of healthcare tips to sites such as, giving you the latest in CPR information (heart attacks and heart disease remain leading killers nationwide), there is plenty to learn just by being more social. It also turns out that more medical professionals (especially physicians) are becoming active on social media. While they oftentimes can’t and/or won’t diagnose your symptoms online, they can provide you with important details about a whole host of medical terminology and current trends;
  • Turn to those you know – In many cases, you likely know one or more people that use social media rather frequently. As a result, they can help assist you in the event you are a little green with using social networking to your benefit. If you have no current presence on social media, take it slow in getting started. If you try and open up multiple accounts, you will likely get that feeling of being overwhelmed sooner rather than later. When that happens, you are more inclined to ignore or altogether ditch your social media initiatives. Start out with a popular site such as a Facebook or Twitter. Your family or friends that are active social media users can show you how to use such an account or accounts, guiding you slowly through the process until you become comfortable doing it on your own. Once that happens, you are better served adding another site or two to your collection;
  • Look for trending topics – It seems every few months there is an outbreak of this or a bad flu season etc. that dominates the national news. When you have questions about such problems, social media can be a good gateway to discovering how a particular illness can impact you and your loved ones. Twitter and Facebook both have trending topic areas on their respective sites, so it is rather easy (especially with Twitter) to get up to speed on what is presently going on here and around the world for that matter;
  • Don’t overlook insurance – As much as you may hate hearing the term health insurance, it is all but a necessity in your life and those around you. With the Obamacare mandates in recent years, those without health insurance are subject to being fined, with those fines increasing substantially from year to year. One way to keep your health insurance costs down is by leading a healthier life. In turning to social media to learn about being healthier, you can ultimately save yourself and/or your family money. When you are not a smoke or heavy drinker, you get regular physicals, you eat healthy and balance that off with regular exercise, you stand to avoid major medical bills. There are plenty of health insurance providers on social media, many of whom can tell you how to not only find the best insurance on the market, but also keep your premiums down.

In order for your life to be relatively free of regular illnesses and sizable medical bills, using social media is one of your better options.

Get more social and learn about as much medical knowledge as possible.

When you do that, you not only improve your own physical well-being, but you can also save money overtime, something which will certainly help your mental health.

Photo credit:

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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