Friday, 30 October 2015

11 Clever Tricks for Effective B2B Landing Pages

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B2B or business to business means a situation when one business is performing a commercial transaction with the other. It is as simple as that. You might have known this already. But you might not know what is landing page? A landing page is the destination page at which you arrive when you click on a link from the results of a search engine. Landing pages are important from the point of view of generating business. A business looking for a commercial transaction on a search engine will most probably convert leads (not sales) only when it lands to an effective destination page. If you are a B2B vendor, you must know these 11 clever tricks for creating really effective landing pages.

1. A single main message

A landing page should focus on a single message that is your goal. The remaining conversation should revolve around that goal only. You should be clear when writing the content on a landing page. For example, if you want to offer a free trial of your product, then you can also present a case study of a client already satisfied by your product. It will complement your free trial. But, if you give a link to a downloadable useful data, it may distract the website visitor from the offer of free trial.

2. Relevant content

Your business to business web design should be relevant to the content the visitor was looking for. If it is not relevant to the search, the visitor is anyhow not going to stay on your webpage.

3. Educate the prospective B2B

You should design the landing page in a way that the message is conveyed that you not want to close the sale right now. You should focus on educating your prospective B2B client. Provide the right information at this phase. Do not push the B2B prospect to talk to you.

4. Ask for permission to send mails

Do not intervene in the personal space of the B2B prospect. Ask for their permission to interact further. Respect their privacy if they do not want any emails from you yet.

5. Use bulleted format

Try to use paragraph breaks, bullet points, etc. when your landing page contains a lot of data. Such formatting features catch the attention of the visitor and keep him engaged for a longer period of time.

6. Do not ask them to contact you

Do not impose it on the B2B prospect to call you. Instead, you can ask them to leave their number and preferred time so that you can make a call to them.

7. Do not advertise aggressively

Aggressive advertisement pulls the visitor away from the website. Advertise in limit. Do not be pushy. The visitor has landed on your webpage because he was looking for something that you were offering. Advertisements may force him to leave.

8. Call to action

If you are offering an interesting free product, you can provide a CTA or clear to action button. It means that you can ask them to take an action by using great words like “subscribe”, “enjoy” or “get”. By doing this, you can also judge the success of your landing page.

9. Trust seals

It means that you can procure the approval of a third party which is credible to ensure the trust of the user in your webpage.

10. Testimonial quotes

You can your satisfied clients to write positive testimonials for you. You can also give them goodies for the favor done.

11. Transparency about your privacy policy

If you are clear about privacy policy with your B2B prospects, you can increase your chances of converting your leads. Being transparent increases the faith of prospects. 

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

Socialize Your Ecommerce Platform

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Whether your brand is solely Ecommerce, or Ecommerce is just one aspect of it, you’ve got to promote it.

One of the best and fun, most effective and budget friendly marketing strategies to use these days is social media.

Whatever it is that you do or sell, social media can help you out. You just have to do it right.

Pick Your Platform and Strategy

Between all the social media platforms, you can probably find a couple that stand out to you as being the ones that you’ll find the best work to with and those that bring you more business. Then figure out what strategy will work best and you’ll enjoy doing.

As the following article looks at, take a look at what some businesses are doing with their eCommercePlatform to promote their brand:

• A great example of a company that has a strong brick and mortar presence but is pulling in virtual customers is Sephora. With “Fan Friday” specials on Facebook, social media fans can reap the benefits of discounts and specials. Many other companies are doing the same by promoting on Facebook or other platforms so their followers and fans can see what’s going on and get extra benefits. It brings a bit of a personal feeling.

• Some companies that are solely Ecommerce are doing great things with social media, as well. Contests are huge and bring in tons of customers. For instance, Om Nom Nom Cookies has run selfie contests. This is huge with Ecommerce businesses, and it’s where contestants post pictures of themselves with the brand, in this instance, a cookie. Winners can be picked at random, but it’s a great, fun way to gain followers and customers. Another way to promote a photo contest is to have your followers vote. Not only will this engage them even more, but you’ve got the potential to go viral depending on how invested your contestants are. You may be amazed at how many more followers (hence customers) this brings you.

• Other companies, like Ikea, ask followers to post how they are using their merchandise. Even if it just gets a customer a retweet or a share, it’s fun for everyone and followers can see what real people are doing. Excellent form of marketing – and it’s free!

• Join with others and promote them. If you have a community of Ecommerce businesses that you are involved in – promote each other. Say you own a jewelry business and your friend has a cupcake store – promote each other through contests, giveaways and fun photos. After all, who doesn’t love cupcakes and jewelry together? The more you do for others, well, the more they’ll do for you.

One of the best components about Ecommerce and social media is that you can have a lot of fun with it.

You don’t have to rely on stuffy marketing campaigns.

Instead, be creative, engaging, and supportive and the customers will flock to you.

Photo credit:

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a High Converting Webinar


I know that you understand the power of blogging and building an email list.

But the next step is often harder to grasp.

How do you turn those readers and subscribers into customers?

I’ve seen many online business owners work hard for several years to build a solid audience and not know how to profit from it.

And without any profit, how will you be able to keep producing free valuable content for your audience?

You can’t.

So, how do you convert those audience members into customers?

You can employ many effective tactics.

But there is one tactic with which I’ve had an incredible amount of success, and I know that many other businesses have as well.

That tactic is using webinars.

Webinars are essentially one- or two-hour live video streams, usually like mini-courses.

Anyone viewing the webinar can type in questions and comments throughout the presentation.

Webinars can be incredibly effective, on average converting around 20% of viewers into customers buying products. And these aren’t just cheap products—they are premium products.

Although I won’t go into the technical details of creating a webinar here (e.g., creating a slideshow, using webinar software), I’ll teach you a step-by-step procedure you can use to create webinars that convert.

Some businesses use only webinars in order to sell their products, and they do very well…I am talking about webinars just like this one I created

Why webinars might be the best form of content for any business

At their core, webinars are just another type of content.

However, webinars are a type of content that is optimized for selling. Why?

First, viewers typically place a higher value on webinars than other forms of free content, which means that they pay closer attention to what you’re showing them.

In addition, since the webinar is done live, they are forced to pay attention so they don’t miss anything.

Put those two things together, and you will have a captive audience when you deliver webinars the right way.

With webinars, you get to deliver your full message to your audience, whereas with blog posts, you never know how much of the content your website visitors read.

Finally, webinars allow you to connect with audience members in a real way. Other than creating a conference and trying to convince your audience to attend it, webinars are the best way to talk to hundreds, even thousands, of people at once.

And unlike with a blog post, you can actually answer the questions your audience has in real time during a webinar.

The conversion rate of webinars is insane: Say, you create a fantastic email sequence for a product you’re selling.

If you did a great job, you’ll get a conversion rate that is somewhere between 1-5%, depending on the price and a few other factors.

I would say that 5% is the low end of even a mediocre webinar.

Back at KISSmetrics, we used webinars a lot and had great results.

Our first 77 webinars had a total of 155,386 people who signed up to attend a webinar. Of those, about half (74,381) actually attended, and a solid 16,394 turned into high quality leads.

That’s a conversion rate of 22% (of the people attending).

A few other businesses have published results of their webinars.

Adobe claims a solid 19% conversion rate, while Buzzsumo says that 20% of webinar attendees turn into paid customers.

Depending on what you sell, a single lead can be worth upwards of $50. It doesn’t take much math to figure out how incredibly lucrative webinars can be (even with small audiences).

But a difference in conversion rate of just a few percent can be the difference between thousands of dollars in profit.

If you’re going to incorporate webinars into your content strategy, you want to make sure that you’re at the upper end of conversion rate (20%) rather than the low end (5%).

If you want to make a high converting webinar, follow these six steps.

Step #1: Learn how to warm up the crowd

Despite being a great sales tool, a good webinar isn’t a sales pitch at all.

A good webinar is a lot like a blog post. It actually provides value to the audience without asking for anything in return.

And just like with a blog post, you shouldn’t start off by digging right into the meat of your topic.

Instead, you want to build a bit of anticipation and excitement as well as take advantage of the opportunity to engage with your audience members.

The point of engaging here is two-fold: first, you start to loosen up, which will make your presentation better, and second, you get your audience into an engagement mode.

Since you’re interacting with them now, they are more likely to interact throughout the webinar.

There are a few different options at your disposal, and I recommend trying different combinations of them.

Option #1 – Have a quick chat: You should always arrive 10-15 minutes early to make sure that you don’t have any technical difficulties, which do happen from time to time.

Assuming everything goes smoothly, you will likely have a few minutes before you can start the webinar.

There are always a few people that come to the webinar early.

This is a great time to start talking with them about anything in the chat box.


Simply getting to know them a bit and learning about why they’re at the webinar (and why they’re so eager to get started) will improve your conversion rate down the line.

At the same time, you might learn some interesting things about your audience.

Option #2 – Ask a few questions: It’s always good to ask questions during the webinar, but it’s especially good to do at the start.

Basically, when you get your viewers responding in the chat box, they get used to it. And that makes them more likely to respond to you and ask more questions in the future.

Ideally, you want to get them in this habit early.

That’s because once they realize they can actually talk to you, they are more likely to pay attention throughout the webinar so they can ask questions about something they didn’t understand.

Option #3 – Ask attendees to fill out poll or survey: Instead of asking questions and getting responses in the chat box, you can have your viewers fill out a poll or survey.


These have to be prepared in advance, so it’s best to use them for questions that reveal something useful about your audience.

Here are a few sample questions you could use:

  • “How many webinars have you attended?” - So you know if you need to explain webinars at the beginning.
  • “How familiar are you with [your brand]?” - The less your audience knows you, the more important personal details and an introduction become.
  • “How important is [webinar topic] to you?” - Over time, you will see that your customers care more about certain topics than others. Do more webinars about those important topics.
  • “How much experience do you have with [topic]? - If your audience is more advanced than you thought, you don’t want to spend too much time on the basics. The opposite is also true.

Just about every leading webinar software (e.g., GoToWebinar) comes with built-in survey and polling tools. You can see the results as people answer your questions.


Or start the webinar with an introduction: It’s a good practice to introduce yourself near the start of a webinar.

Yes, you’ll have some long-time readers in the audience, but you’ll also have some brand new readers watching. Introducing yourself will allow you to start building trust with your new viewers, which will lead to them becoming customers (if not today, in the future).

A good introduction should be fairly brief, but don’t be afraid to show some personality and put in a joke or two.


Step #2: Without intrigue, you will fail

Webinars can provide a ton of value for your visitors.

But you are also asking for a lot.

They basically have to agree to spend 45 minutes (minimum) focused only on your presentation.

That’s a lot of time for many people.

You also need to consider that if at any point a viewer doesn’t like how the webinar is going, they can just click the “exit” button.

This is why your number one priority should be to keep them interested in your material.

There are a few things that go into this.

Without an intriguing topic, no one will show up: Interest starts with your topic. If you have a seemingly boring topic, no one will want to attend the webinar, no matter how good your actual presentation is.

The most important part of drawing attention is the title of the webinar. It functions exactly like a blog post headline.

Most of the same rules of writing a powerful headline apply here too.

You want to include specific results that your reader is looking for while not giving away the answer.

Here’s a bad headline:

Social media marketing efficiency

It’s boring, vague, and not provoking curiosity.

But how about:

How to plan your weekly social media marketing schedule in 60 minutes or less

That takes care of a specific problem (wasting time on social media) that a visitor might have. But it also makes the reader want to watch the webinar to find out the answer.

On top of the headline, you can also write a few high-impact bullet points on the landing page.


Those bullet points should contain the most important benefits from your viewer’s perspective.

In addition to putting them on the landing page, it’s always a good idea to put them on one of your beginning slides:


It’s easy for viewers to forget the specific reason why they signed up for the webinar, and this can jog their memory and get them to stick around.

Here’s one important aspect of picking a topic: The most intriguing topics for a webinar are the ones that act as mini-courses.

They take one specific important problem and solve it in those 45-120 minutes.

If you look at past KISSmetrics webinars, you’ll see that most of them involve the word “How”. Many headlines are “How to…” headlines.


Not only are these topics the most intriguing, but they are also the easiest ones to create a great presentation around.

Your presentation becomes a walk-through of the solution.

How do you get people to stay on the webinar? After you get your audience to register and attend the webinar, you still need to keep them intrigued by your material.

While some attendees will be entranced by the presentation, you’ll always have a large chunk on the edge of leaving.

They’re either not sure if this topic is really important to them, or they already know a lot of the things you’re covering but just want to see what you say about a few key aspects.

There are two things you should do.

First, don’t reveal everything about your solution at the start of the webinar.

It’s fine to give some details, like “our solution is to use batching along with a social media calendar.” Just don’t give out too much, like how you’re going to accomplish it.

If you pick your topic right (a how-to topic), your valuable content will be automatically spread out through the steps you present, so you don’t need to worry about this much.

But if your webinar is something like “7 secrets of…”, start with a really good one, and then mention that your last one will be the best one.

Another option is to provide an incentive to viewers who watch the entire webinar.

The bonus might be:

  • a recording of the webinar
  • a related bonus e-book
  • a transcript of the webinar (or a PDF of it)
  • free coaching
  • or a special offer

For example, when guest presenters help out on KISSmetric webinars, they often include a related bonus book that a huge percentage of viewers will stick around to get:


Step #3: Every part you teach needs to accomplish one thing

A webinar is all about giving value, but it’s about giving the right kind of value.

It should educate your audience about their problems as well as potential solutions to those problems. This is valuable to any viewer.

At the same time, one of the solutions you show them will likely be a product or service you sell.

Assuming it’s legitimately a great product that solves the problem or makes the solution as easy as possible, all you have to do is present the product honestly when the time comes.

Until that time, everything in your presentation should have two purposes.

Phase #1 – Make the pain worse or the benefit better: Viewers sign up for webinars for two main reasons.

Either they have a problem that is causing them or their business pain and they want to solve it, or you’ve made a great promise that they’d like to get.

Here’s some examples:

  • Pain: “I’m not getting any organic search traffic.”
    • Webinar: “7 steps to ranking #1 for long tail search terms”
  • Benefit: “I wouldn’t mind making more money even if I’m doing okay now”
    • Webinar: “6 ways you can make an extra $1,000 per month”

Whatever the reason, you need to mention it early on. Remind them why they are there and what they will get out of the webinar if they stay for the whole thing.


When you do this, your viewers will pay closer attention to your presentation, and that’s when you jump into phase #2…

Phase #2 – Educate viewers about a solution: Don’t just educate them in general—educate them about specific solutions.

This will be the meat of your presentation, where you break down solutions, step by step:


Most viewers don’t care about the technical stuff going on in the background. They just want solutions that they can apply.

Among the solutions, you can include your product.

Or you might pitch your services at the end, offering to solve this problem for them.

Step #4: A buying audience is an engaged one

I’ve mentioned a few times so far how important an engaged audience is.

Let me clarify what I mean by that. Engagement is a measure of how much focus your audience is giving your webinar.

If you have low engagement, it means that people aren’t paying attention, despite watching the webinar.

It could mean that they’re zoning out maybe because the presentation is boring, or it could mean they’re distracted by email or social media.

A small percentage will just keep the webinar on to see if you offer a free bonus at the end, but don’t worry about those viewers.

A highly engaged audience will watch everything, and a decent portion of those viewers will jump at the chance to interact with you.

The more involved viewers are with you, the more invested they will be in the solutions you’re presenting.

The people who are talking to you the most during the webinar are your best leads for sales.

It’s obvious that getting your audience engaged is a good thing.

Here are a few different ways you can encourage engagement.

Idea #1 – Launch a poll: Every once in awhile, it makes sense to see if viewers are actually understanding what you’re saying and getting value from it.

If you’d like to do it informally, just ask a question and get responses in the chat box.

But if you also want to know if you’re presenting effectively, a poll is a good idea because you’ll get concrete feedback.

It’s a good idea to launch a poll or quiz immediately following a particular section. Ask the viewers about the main takeaway, for example.

Not only will it give you good information, but it will also make your viewers solidify their learning.

Idea #2 – Don’t read from your slides: One way to bore your viewers quickly is to create slides with a ton of words on them and just read them out loud.

If you’re going to do that, why do they need you?

Instead, put a few words on a slide, which attract attention, but fill in the blanks yourself.


Idea #3 – Mention viewers by name: This tactic is great at making your viewers feel more involved.

Instead of just being a screen name typing into a chat box, your viewers can feel like they are part of the webinar if you address them by their names along with saying something positive:

That’s a really good question, Neil!

If you, as a viewer, get a personal compliment from an expert teaching a large audience, you’ll feel good about it. And chances are, you’re going to look for more opportunities to contribute and stand out from the passive viewers.

Idea #4 – Small webinars can be better than large ones: The default tactic is to try to get as many people to register for your webinar as possible. It’s not a bad one.

However, if you have a particularly complex product, you’ll need to be able to explain whether your product works for all specific situations that your viewers might have.

This is impossible if you have hundreds of viewers on the webinar.

But if you only had 25-50, you could cover quite a few scenarios and make a few big sales.

First, you should make it clear on the landing page that only 50-100 seats are open for the webinar (about half to two-thirds will show up).

Then, note the audience size right away at the start of the webinar. Say something like this:

I’ve kept the webinar really small on purpose; there are only 50 people here. I did that so I could talk with more of you one-on-one to find a solution that works for you. In order to do that, I need you to type in any questions or comments you might have along the way in the chat box.

Step #5: It’s closing time

If you’ve done everything up until this point right, making your pitch is actually really easy.

You’ve given away most of the value you promised, so at this point, it’s just a matter of giving away your bonuses (if you have any) and tying in your product or service with the solutions you just provided.

First, transition into your offer smoothly: The only way to really mess up at this point is to say, “Well, that’s all I have for you today. Now I want to show you a product to buy.”

As soon as you say something like that, the viewers will feel like they are being sold to, and no one likes that.

With a webinar, there’s an understanding that at the end you might make an offer, but it should flow naturally from the topic of the webinar.

The offer should have two qualities: it should be unique and valuable.

For example, if the webinar is about conversion optimization, I could offer a discount on Crazy Egg software.

First, that’s unique because they wouldn’t be able to get that discount anywhere else.

Secondly, it’s valuable because people who are learning about conversion optimization will need heatmap software, and Crazy Egg is among the best options.

It’s crucial that you tie your offer into how it will benefit the viewer in the context of the webinar topic.

Hold a Q&A session after the pitch: Before you even mention your product, tell the viewers that you will answer any questions they have in just a minute.

Although a large percentage of viewers will drop off here, the ones that stay are the ones that are really interested in your solutions.

By doing the Q&A after the pitch, you are forcing your viewers to at least listen to the pitch if they don’t want to miss the Q&A session.


Plus, making the pitch before your Q&A will allow you to answer questions about both the webinar material and your offer.

Once you’re done with the questions, you can finish the webinar with one last mention of your offer.

Step #6: You’ll miss out on a large amount of sales if you don’t do this

If you’re selling a particularly expensive product, you can’t expect all your viewers to be ready to buy right away even if you give them a great offer that they are interested in.

Some people will want to think about it a bit more, while others will need to get an approval of a boss or their significant other.

That doesn’t mean that they won’t take you up on your offer; it just might not be the second you give it to them.

Additionally, depending on the time of your webinar, some attendees may just want to go to sleep or have to go somewhere.

Neither of these scenarios allow time to carefully consider a major purchase.

So, what should you do to maximize your conversion rate? Follow up with them within 24-48 hours.

Assuming you’re using software like GoToWebinar, you will have access to all of your registrants’ email addresses.

This is your chance to provide even more value (which will help get a high email open rate) while also getting your offer in front of viewers one last time.

Here’s what a good follow up might look like:

Subject: Recording of last night’s webinar on [topic]

Hi [name],

I know that we covered a lot in the webinar yesterday, and it’s easy to miss things. That’s why I’ve put up a recording of the webinar that you can stream or download. Here’s the URL:

[URL of the webinar]

If you still have any questions about what we covered, just reply to this email, and let me know what they are.

Additionally, you still have 48 hours to take advantage of the 20% discount.

This is a pretty special offer that doesn’t come around very often, and I feel you could really benefit from [product] in 3 ways:

  • (benefit #1)
  • (benefit #2)
  • (benefit #3)

If you want to take advantage of the offer or want more information, click here:

[URL of the landing page]

Best regards,

[your name]

No hard sell—just the last chance to get your offer in front of your viewers. If they are ready to become customers, they will do so now.

If not, don’t worry about it. If they enjoyed this webinar, they’ll likely sign up for a future one and might buy from you later.

That’s the beauty of webinars. They’re still part of your content marketing plan, and even if they don’t directly lead to a sale, they will help build your brand in the eyes of your attendees.

Finally, make your past webinars publicly available. This is something that KISSmetrics does.


At this point, there are over 100 webinars that anyone can access if they provide some basic contact information.

In my time at KISSmetrics, the old webinars provided about 20% of our overall webinar leads, which is nothing to sneeze at.


Webinars might be the single best tactic to not only attract visitors but also convert those visitors into leads or customers.

They offer a unique opportunity to engage with your potential customers, which no other form of content can match.

They also have a high perceived value, which means that attendees typically focus on the webinar the entire time, assuming that it’s interesting.

When you’re creating your next webinar, whether it’s your first or hundredth, make sure that you follow all six steps of this post.

If you do, you will have a webinar that can convert viewers at about 20% as long as your offer is enticing.

If you have any questions about the six steps in this post, let me know below, and I’ll see if I can’t clear things up.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

Google To Merge Chrome and Android

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What To Say When Your Friend Invites Your Enemy To Your Party…

Can’t we all be friends? Google is playing nice guy and merging Chrome and Android into one operating system. At the moment, Chrome is just designed to be basic and do web browser things and Android is the mobile operating system. Merging the two together would be like what Microsoft is doing with Windows 10 so Google wants to give it a shot against their competition.  (Source MSN)

YouTube Red Takes A Hint From the Music Industry

Video powerhouse YouTube launched their subscription service earlier this week. Users pay $9.99 a month to enjoy videos from their favorite creators with no ad interruptions. YouTube Red is offering a 30 day free trial to video watchers. This free trial began concerns among content creators who worried they would not be paid for the views during this trial (Think Taylor Swift vs Spotify and Apple Music). Fear not, no letter or announcement will have to be made because YouTube Red creators will get paid during the free trial. Maybe they took a hint from Taylor Swift and the music industry. (Source The Verge)

Word of the Day: Nutscaping

Planking, Tebowing, Owling, step aside there’s a new photo trend in town. Nutscaping is the latest photo trend to hit the web and this one even has a whole website dedicated to it. explains the trend as,“selfies for real men.” According to Metro, the steps to the perfect Nutscape are as so:

1. Find yourself somewhere awesome

2. Turn your back to the awesome scene

3. Drop your pants

4. Bend over and shoot Nutscape through your legs

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

Social Media for the Sensitive World of Health Care

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For some types of business, making an impact on social media is easy. For health care, it’s not nearly as straightforward. Patient confidentiality and HIPPA requirements mean that some of your organization’s biggest successes stay out of view. Another challenge is that you can be dealing with difficult subjects, such as life-threatening illnesses, that need to be handled delicately on social media.

While there are challenges, there are also enormous opportunities. Health care organizations can’t afford to ignore social media, as 41 percent of survey responders said social media affects their decision on where they receive health care. Whether it’s Facebook, YouTube or somewhere else, these channels provide the perfect opportunity to address misinformation and provide valuable advice to patients.

Here’s how to make the most of your health care organization’s social media while avoiding some of the pitfalls that could arise.

Get Guidelines

Any company of a decent size will have a social media plan in place. For health care organizations – whether it’s a big hospital or a small practice – this is especially important. You need everyone on the same page, as there could be public complaints that need to be addressed and important information that needs to be shared. This is especially true for health care organizations, where privacy of the patients is essential.

Be Customer-Minded

People expect an answer, and when they ask something via social media, they want an answer right away. PricewaterhouseCoopers found that almost half of all people trying to make appointments via social media expect to hear back within hours. Not being prompt is a good way to frustrate people who are looking for immediate feedback.

Outsource to Professionals

Depending on what your organization is looking for, it might make sense to outsource your social media to a marketing firm dedicated to your industry. Leaving it to professionals will mean you’ll reach the right audience of potential clients and not have to worry about the task. Find the right agency that understands what your organization is all about and let it guide your social media strategy if needed.

Find Out What Works Best

The health care industry is vast and varied, and that also goes for effective social media strategies. A pediatric hospital, for instance, will have a much different presence than a medical device manufacturer. From the start, determine what the goal is and then work accordingly. Maybe it’s best to use social media as a platform to dispense medical advice, or maybe it can be used to share positive stories. Whatever the goal is, the messaging needs to be consistent.

Work With Patients

Photos are what social media is all about, yet finding the right ones to share in the health care industry can be difficult due to privacy concerns. If there’s a great story from the patient’s side that can be tastefully shared, work with that person to see what can be done. Anonymity can and probably should be kept to protect the patient, but they might be fine with sharing a positive experience. The right kind of story can have a big impact if it’s compelling and well told.

Educate Others

More people than ever are turning to the Web for health care advice. WebMD and Wikipedia are the most popular, but much of the information people seek comes from Facebook and YouTube. This is an opportunity for your organization to establish its value to potential customers and share expertise. It’s not only useful, it also helps build loyalty.

Don’t Spread Yourself Thin

There are a number of social media platforms out there, but unless you have vast resources, it’s best to focus on the ones that can make the biggest impact. Out of 1,500 hospitals with an online presence, Facebook was regarded as the most popular. Sticking to just a couple platforms will ensure that your message isn’t diluted and that existing audiences aren’t neglected with a lack of updates.

Look Toward the Future

When it comes to keeping patients informed, social media is fast becoming the preferred form of communication between patients and health care providers. With that in mind, it’s smart to stay on top of industry trends to see what’s possible in the future. Some hospitals have implemented online support groups to better serve patients. Think of what else could be possible for your organization to better serve patients or customers.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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When Wi-Fi is Halloween Creepy ..

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When Wi-Fi is Halloween Creepy ..

Internet privacy is fast becoming an oxymoron…meaning zombie dead. Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab are using Wi-Fi signals to create a sonar-like technology. Coined “RF-Capture” this technology has the ability to detect a person’s shape,physical movements, and identify individuals based simply on their silhouette. The team has found that these silhouettes are extremely unique, and can even act as a second form of finger printing. RF-Capture will be used prominently in the safety and  health-related industries, and the complete findings are published on the MIT site with an interesting video for entertainment. So, if you don’t want your silhouette tracked wear that Halloween costume 365.(Source Tech Times)

Uber Riding Kittens…

Uber is using a different kind of marketing strategy….Kittens. For $30 Uber will deliver some extremely adorable kittens to your house, workplace, or favorite park seating. They’re pairing with Annex Cat Rescue, Just Paws Cat Rescue, The Humane Society, and Team Cat Rescue to deliver these fluffy balls of love between 11:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M  today. On the likely chance you fall in love all the kittens are available for adoption. Uber asks that everyone remain patient since demand will be high — but you can track all the progress by tweeting #UberKITTENS although we think it should have been #MEOW. This gives new meaning to the term “herding cats.”. . (Source Tech Times)

Curious Mind…

Ever wonder how big a communication satellite is? Well think the size of a small school bus that can weigh up to six tons. Check out the link here for some seriously sick photos;compared to satellites we look like ants. BTW anyone agree that it would be cool to have school buses orbiting the earth.

If you get an Uber Kitty please tweet us a selfie!  @equalman

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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How to Use Twitter Removal DM Restrictions in Your Marketing Strategy

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In July, Twitter announced that it was removing the 140-character restriction on DM’s and allowing, instead a 10,000 character chat message. At first, marketers responded with a “Ho-Hum” attitude. After all, they already had live chat on their sites, conversations on Facebook, and the ability to connect personally with readers and customers on their blogs. It didn’t seem like that big a deal, frankly, especially when they had been successful using the SMS feed and getting followers into the conversion funnel. As the ramifications slowly began to set in, however, marketers have realized that, while longer DM’s may duplicate Facebook and blog conversations, as well as email campaigns, there are some followers who only use Twitter, some customers who want contact through Twitter, and some great opportunities to divide out communications using DM. Here is a list of the important facets of DM and how you can use these to your advantage as you revise your Twitter marketing strategy. Segregate Groups Based Upon Conversion StatusesYou can use the SocialBro tool that allows you to target specific followers or groups of followers based on filters and tags that you set up, and you can change those filters and tags at any time. But now you are no longer limited to 140 characters, and you can send up to 250 DM’s on any given day.

  • Some followers or groups of followers are already customers. You will not be offering the same content to these followers as you would to newbies. You will want to focus on new products or services, on digging into their questions and issues with your current products and services, and providing a great customer service experience. You want to maintain the good relationships that you have already established with these followers
  • Some followers are in the conversion funnels but are not actual customers. This group needs different incentives and different content. Now that you have 10,000 characters to engage them further, you can provide a new special discount, conduct a survey, and give some good educational information about your products/services.
  • You will also have brand new followers who have found you or been recommended to you, and you need to begin the careful process of defining your brand to them, of soliciting questions, of providing information about free trials only available to new customers. You may want to offer a free e-guide which your other followers already have.

Respond to Individual Followers Yes, you already have the capacity to do this through phone, email and live chat, but here is yet another platform for followers who prefer Twitter. You may have struck up individual conversations with a follower on another platform, but you not have the chance to continue that conversation via Twitter DM. You can respond to specific questions and individual customer service issues. You can answer questions that others have already asked and had answered. Offer Rewards and Incentives Based upon Level of ConversionYou can now divide up your groups of followers for rewards and incentives.

  • If you have loyal followers who are already customers, you may want to reward them with something special – a shopping window of time around the holidays with specials only for loyal customers, for example.
  • You may want to offer a specific incentive to those followers who have shown interest, who have asked questions, who have responded to a survey, or who have taken a free trial but have not become fully converted.
  • You have a third group of followers who have recently come aboard and are still in the exploration phase. You want them to get a “feel” for who you are and you want a better “feel” for their pain points and needs/desires. This group need “massaging” and relationship development, and small posts via DM will help. Offering a free trial or a newcomer discount might be appropriate too.

Hosting an Event There are times when you may be hosting an event, either locally or online. The event may be appropriate for only certain of your followers. You now have a method to target just the group(s) of followers you want to attend, and you have the character length to give some detailed information about why they should attend.

Customer Service Made More Effective 140 characters has never allowed for effective and efficient customer service. If you received a Tweet with an issue or concern, you had to immediately change platforms to serve that customer satisfactorily. Now, through DM, you and your customer can discuss any issue in much greater detail (10,000 characters) and probably resolve it without ever leaving Twitter. Customer is happy and you have saved time!

Some Other Important Considerations as You StrategizeNow that you have this additional platform, it is easy to get excited and jump right in. Here are few cautions:

  1. Keep your “brand image” pure and consistent. Think about your Facebook posts that get lots of response and comment. Fashion your DM’s in the same way.
  2. Recognize that back-and-forth messaging only goes so far. There are limits. If your followers have complex questions and/or issues, moving over to email or direct phone conversations may be warranted. DM is not the answer to all customer service.
  3. Don’t reach out to followers just because DM is there. They may see this as a bit “creepy.” Send a regular Tweet first that announces a forthcoming DM and it subject matter, encourage them to read it and respond with any comments or questions. When they know to expect it, they are far less suspicious of your motives.
  4. Remember that there is often a fine line between DM and spam. Be careful not to cross it.

The end of restrictions on DM can be a huge boon to your marketing strategy – it adds just one more method of connecting with your followers in groups and individually. If used correctly, it can really promote your brand and conversions.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Learn from the Best: 6 Skills All Great Writers Have (and How to Learn Them)


If you want to be a successful online marketer, there’s one thing you must be able to do:

you must be able to write.

Writing is involved in almost every type of content creation there is.

Emails, blog posts, and books are all primarily written content.

But even for videos, podcasts, and courses, you need to write content as well as scripts.

I’ll be honest with you:

If you’re a terrible writer, it’s unlikely you’ll be successful.

It’s harsh, but it’s true.

The good news is that you probably aren’t a terrible writer. It’s pretty hard to be one.

But at the same time, it’s hard to become a great writer.

Even after years of writing, I still wouldn’t say I’m a great writer—maybe a good one.

The key thing that you need to know is that you can improve your writing skills.

By studying the works of great writers, you can learn what makes their writing great.

And with practice, you can improve the effectiveness of your own writing, which means more traffic, subscribers, and customers.

Although you could spend dozens of hours doing that research yourself, you could just let me show you which skills are the most important when it comes to writing.

I have studied a wide variety of top notch writers (who are also great marketers) over the years and noticed that they all have certain skills in common.

In this article, I’ll break down these skills, showing you examples of them in action and ways to develop them.

By the end of this post, you should have a concrete game plan of how to become a better writer for the benefit of your business. 

1. Having a big vocabulary doesn’t make you a great writer

When most people picture great writers, they think of them crafting sentences full of obscure words such as aphesis and esculent.

But the people who use words like that are usually terrible writers.

The measure of a writer is not how big his or her vocabulary is. As long as you have a decent vocabulary and understand the fundamentals of grammar of the language you’re using, you can be a good writer.

Even if you’re just learning a language, don’t think that you can’t be a good writer just because you don’t know every word of it.

There are plenty of successful bloggers who write in their second language (e.g., Bamidele Onibalusi).


Is their writing perfect from a grammar and vocabulary perspective? No, of course not.

But even without an extensive vocabulary, they’re able to create content that people love to read.

There’s actually a way for us to quantify the complexity of writing. It’s called the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale.

It looks at the length of words, and a few other factors, in order to determine at what grade level people could understand your content.

By copying a few sample blog posts into this readability score calculator, I was able to create this chart:


The three other writers on this list are all great writers in my opinion, or at least very good.

Notice that Brian and Ramit both write at about 4th grade level, as do I. That means the average 10-year-old could read most of our content because it’s not very complex.

Even though Michael Hyatt writes at a more sophisticated level, it’s still only at a grade 7 level.

The big question then becomes: Why?

The reason why great writers use simple words and phrases is because they write for the reader, not themselves.

They may appreciate the intricacies of the English language, but most readers don’t care about that. They want their information in the simplest and easiest to comprehend way.

Obviously, it’s much easier to read and understand short simple words than to figure out what the heck clandestine means (if you are curious, it means “done in secret”).

Oh yeah, there’s one other benefit to writing simply: you can write much faster.

Instead of searching for the “perfect” word, you use plain language—typically the first words that come to mind. These words are usually the words that your audience understands easily as well, so they’re really the perfect choice.

How can you apply this? This is a very simple skill to develop: just write. When you’re writing something, write down the first things that come to mind instead of searching for more complicated words instead.

Don’t worry if you make mistakes; you can always fix them when you edit.

2. Do you care how your readers feel?

Poor writers do a variety of things.

Some write what they themselves would want to read.

Others write to sound as intelligent as possible.

Either way, it’s not about the reader. Instead, it’s more about “look at how smart and awesome I am.”

Very few people are interesting enough to make this strategy work for them.

When writers focus on themselves, their writing is not compelling to the reader. These kinds of writers either improve over time as they recognize their mistakes, or they blame the readers for not recognizing good content.

I have to ask you a tough question now:

When you write content, do you think of the reader first or do you think about how to make yourself look the best (as the author)?

It’s not necessarily one or the other. Your answer could be somewhere in the middle (i.e., sometimes you focus on yourself).

The simple solution: If you’ve recognized an opportunity for improvement here, it’s easy to take advantage of it, at least in theory.

The answer is to develop empathy.

Empathy basically means that you can understand your readers’ perspective: their problems, interests, personality, and other relevant aspects of their lives.

It takes time to develop empathy, and I’m not sure if you can ever master it completely.

But empathy really shows in great writing.

The best writers use empathy both to understand what readers need to hear (solve their problems) and to determine the best way to teach them.

Some audiences need to be shown direct solutions; others need step-by-step directions; while others need a gentle prod in the right direction.

Examples of empathy in action: When writers truly understand their audience and then focus all their attention on writing that will help the audience as much as possible, it shows.

Take a look at this post from Seth Godin. He mentions the word “you” or its variations 10 times in about 100 words. This post is all about the reader.


The post is about being passionate about your work.

Many bloggers write on this topic. Most would have focused on how their own corporate experience led them to the epiphany that they needed to care more.

But that would have fallen on deaf ears.

Instead, Seth focuses on the reader’s life. He explains the problem using the language that the reader would use to describe the problem in detail.

And then, he offers a simple, one-line solution.

Or how about James Clear? He’s another great writer.

His posts aren’t based on the numbers in Google’s Keyword Planner. They are based on questions that he gets from his readers.


He knows that for every person who expresses frustration or identifies a problem, there are a hundred other people in his audience with the same issue.

So James uses his readers’ language so that other readers can relate to it and feel that the content was created specifically for them.

There’s no other way to do that other than by writing solely for the reader.

The hard part – How to develop empathy: Telling you to develop empathy is easy, but actually doing it isn’t so easy: it takes a lot of conscious practice.

But it’s not all or nothing either. Just because you don’t perfectly understand your audience doesn’t mean you can’t partially understand them.

And as you get better at empathizing with your audience, your writing will improve.

To practice this skill and develop empathy, I suggest the following five-step process. Perform it every time you create content:

1. What problems (and related problems) do your readers have around [topic of choice]?

2. How significant are these problems (very serious? or just minor pains?)

3. How do you think your readers would describe these problems?

Use steps #1-3 to outline your post. Create an intro and headlines that a reader would not only understand but would see and think, “I was just wondering about that!”

4. After writing the content, look at every single sentence/paragraph and ask yourself: “Does my reader actually care about this?” If not, either rephrase it, or take it out completely.

5. Study all comments you get on your content (whether it’s a blog comment, review, email, etc.). Try to understand why a reader says they do or don’t like it.

Create a simple checklist using these five steps, and follow it every time you write.

If you do, you’ll notice that your content will start to resonate with readers more and more.

Your audience will be more excited to read your posts, and they’ll be more engaged. You’ll get readers’ comments telling you their thoughts and opinions, which will be full of great ideas for more content (I get great suggestions all the time from my readers).

Ultimately, when it comes to your business, this type of resonance is very important because it tells the reader that you understand them.

If you create a product, they know that you’ve created it just for them and that it will meet all their needs and wants. Developing empathy is a skill that will have a long-term impact on your revenue.

3. Great writers aren’t born overnight

Think of the great writers in history: Shakespeare, Hemingway,…Neil Patel (maybe one day).

Whomever you think of when you think of great writers, it’s important to realize that they were not born that way.

Although writing is more abstract than mathematics or programming, it is a skill like any other and can be developed.

At one point or another, all writing greats could barely string a sentence together.

However, they all shared one thing: a drive to be a great writer.

Right now, you need to check if your motivation to become a better writer is enough to get you to the level you want.

If you really want to be the best writer you can be, you’ll have to write many hours, every single day. That’s what it takes to be the very best.

If you want to be one of the best writers who is also a marketer, that’s still hard, but not quite as difficult. You’ll still want to practice at least 10-20 hours a week.

But the most important thing you need to determine is this: do you really want to be a better writer?

Determine your goals, and then figure out what you’ll need to do to get there.

For example, if you want to be a blogger, start by taking a look at your favorite bloggers.

If you scroll down to the bottom of Quick Sprout’s blog page, you can click on the “last” button to see my oldest posts.

And if you do, you’ll see that my first post on this blog was written in 2007:


If you wanted to reach my current level of success, are you prepared to write about 2-3 posts a week for 8 years?

And then write over 300 guest posts as well?

If you are willing to put in that work, I guarantee that you will be very successful.

How to put in your dues in a systematic way: If you simply say out loud, “I’m going to write a blog post every day for the next three years,” chances are that you won’t.

You need to develop your own system that keeps you accountable.

Step 1 is to determine what you need to do to become the writer you want to be.

Create a new document that clearly states what you think you need to do.

For example:


Step 2 is to determine a schedule that you can stick to. This is formed by your personal schedule. If you have more time to spend on writing, you have more flexibility.

Here’s what it might look like:

I will write and publish a post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, no matter what.

You have the plan, but you need to make sure you follow through with it.

Step 3 is to find a way that will hold you accountable.

It’s really easy to just not write a post because you’ll barely notice the difference in the short term. But in the long term, it can make a huge difference.

So, how will you hold yourself accountable? There’s no wrong answer, but make sure that there’s a serious consequence if you don’t follow through with your plan.

For example, you could say that if you miss a post:

  • you will donate $50 to a charity
  • you will do something that you don’t like
  • you will email a friend or family member revealing an embarrassing secret

When you’re feeling motivated, you’ll have no problem writing. But when you’re not feeling motivated, this accountability plan will keep you on track.

Now you should have a simple but solid writing plan:


You should print this out and put it somewhere where you will see it at least once a day (at least until you develop good habits).

Finally, step 4 is to forget about the result, and focus on the process.

The reason for this is that in order to get the most out of your writing, you need to focus on writing itself as much as possible.

The whole point of this writing plan is for you to not focus on the results.

You don’t need to worry, thinking: “Am I doing enough to become a successful writer?” because you’ve already determined exactly what you need to do.

If you just focus on adhering to your plan, you’ll know with nearly 100% certainty that you will become a very good and successful writer when you are done.

So, don’t worry about traffic stats and other metrics while you write; just focus on writing well—the result will come.

4. “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time”

That quote has been attributed to many great writers, but it appears to have been first said by Blaise Pascal.

Regardless of who said it, the meaning is incredibly powerful.

When we talked about using simple words in writing, I advocated writing down the first words that came to mind.

When you do this, you’ll often end up using more words than you need to.

And the reason why this is a bad thing is because it dilutes the value in your content.

Think of it this way: your content has a message that has a certain value to your readers.

I would define the intensity—or quality—of writing using a simple formula:

Intensity = Value / Length

The longer your content is (if the value is held constant), the lower the intensity.

If you really want to inspire your readers to take action, your writing needs to blow them away.

It needs to provide value at a fast enough rate so that it feels to them as if a light bulb went off in their heads. In other words, your writing needs to be of a high intensity.

The more unnecessary words you have, the lower the intensity of your writing will be, and the smaller the impact your content will make.

Again, we can look at Seth Godin for a perfect example of high intensity writing. He makes every single word count.

Despite writing very short posts, he delivers a ton of value to his readers, which results in significant emotional reactions from them:


As you’ve noticed, I take a very different approach with my posts.

They are very long, usually at least 4,000 words. Since they are so long, I need to pack them with value.

Where Seth’s content is more strategic (broad thinking), my posts are more on specific tactics and ways to implement them, which takes more time to explain.

But although my posts are between 4,000 and 6,000 words, they are usually much longer when I first write them. I edit them down and remove as much “fluff” as I can.

With blog posts, you have a lot of flexibility with length. In other forms of writing, you don’t.

In emails or landing pages, you typically only have a limited amount of space (often fewer than 100 words) to get as much value across to your readers as possible.


Notice in the above example that every sentence either describes a feature or a benefit of the product.

How do you cut out the “fluff”? Like with these other skills, it takes practice to become a good editor (you could hire one if you wanted).

To practice, go through your content, sentence by sentence, and ask yourself if there is a simpler way to get your message across.

For example, the sentence:

There are some marketing channels that are better than others, like email marketing.

could be reduced to:

Email marketing produces the best ROI of any marketing channel.

That simple change took the sentence from 13 words to 10 words, and made the meaning of the sentence clearer.

That’s a 23% decrease in length. If you originally wrote a 3,000-word article and decreased every sentence by that percentage, you’d end up with a 2,300 word article.

Although it’s shorter, it will make a bigger impact on your readers because of its increased intensity.

Here’s a brilliant article on specific edits that you can make to make your writing more powerful to get you started.

5. I’ve never seen a great writer that doesn’t have this

What do typical writers do to prepare for an article?

They do a bit of research on Google and then compile what they learn into an article.

This isn’t a bad thing, but it’s a recipe for producing content that is very similar to what’s already out there.

The best writers I’ve seen can write about any topic in their niche and put some kind of unique spin—angle—on it.

Besides being unique, that additional something is also insightful and adds to the value the reader gets.

In Breakthrough Advertising, a legendary copywriting book by Eugene Schwartz, he notes that great copywriters have a wide array of experience.

You might consider them jacks of all trades.

Great writers read and practice things in all sorts of fields. If I had to boil it down to specific traits, they all possess high levels of curiosity and an open mind.

They can write an article about social media marketing and use an example of hiking up a mountain in a way that makes the point they are making clearer to the reader.

One marketer that does this really well is Bryan Harris at Video Fruit. He often shares personal stories in the introduction of his posts. But he always finds a clever, insightful way to tie it back to the point he’s making:


Another well-known marketer, Ramit Sethi, often mentions real life stories in his blog posts and emails.

For example, in an email about “unconventional ways to win,” he mentions both baseball and government officials as examples:


The great power of connections: The reason why these unexpected connections are valuable is because they can relate your thoughts using a different language.

Some points will be difficult to explain no matter what niche you are writing for.

For example, maybe you’re trying to explain to your readers how to write in a conversational tone and why it’s more interesting to their readers.

If your readers don’t understand your explanation, reading it over and over again won’t help them.

But often, when you make a point in a different context, it becomes much clearer.

With regards to writing conversationally, for example, you could tell a story of being bored at a lecture when a lecturer simply read his slides to his students instead of talking to them. That’ll illustrate your point in a way that’s recognizable to most people.

So, how do you do it? The very nature of this skill is abstract. You’re making connections that other people don’t think of naturally, and that’s what adds a unique angle to your writing.

In order to do this, you need two things:

  1. Experience - The more experiences you have in life, the more connections you can make.
  2. Practice - At first, you won’t make these connections naturally. When you write about a complex topic, force yourself to come up with five connections you could use to explain your point. Over time, you will naturally notice good opportunities.

And when I’m talking about experience, I mean different experiences.

Always be ready to try something new:

  • travel
  • take a cooking class
  • reconnect with old acquaintances
  • take an online course in a subject you’ve never studied

Basically, now you have a very good reason to learn or try anything you’ve ever wanted.

6. Want to become (and stay) a great writer? You need to have this…

The final skill that the best writers (in a marketing context) have is adaptability.

Each content medium has its own quirks. Although your writing style will be more or less the same, the best writers know how to tailor their writing for each medium.

When I say medium, I’m talking about forms of content such as:

  • blog posts
  • emails
  • Kindle books
  • social media

I could give you many examples, but let’s look at Danny Iny, founder of Firepole Marketing.

He’s written multiple courses in the past:


But he’s also written hundreds of blog posts and guest posts.

On top of that, he actively engages with his followers and customers on social media:


And if that wasn’t enough, he just released a new book, in addition to several others:


On top of knowing how to write for different formats and audiences, great writers keep up with change.

Take me as an example. If you look at older Quick Sprout posts, you will see that many are only 500-1,000 words.

But as blogging has developed, good writing practices for the topics I cover have changed.

I noticed that longer posts performed better, and now almost all my posts are 4,000+ words long. I try to make every post the definitive post on that specific topic.

How do you develop adaptability? By definition, you need to learn how to respond positively to changing circumstances. And in the marketing world, things change fast, which makes it even more important.

The first key takeaway for you is this: adaptability comes second. First, you need to hone your initial skills.

In practical terms, this means that you should pick one main format of writing and focus as much of your attention on it as possible. That’s how you’ll learn all the ins and outs of it.

For most, blogging is a great place to start.

Once you’ve put in the time and effort to fully understand how to write great blog posts, you can move on to the next format, be it email, social media, or something else.

In the initial period, you can still write emails or other content, but most of your focus will be on the first format you’ve chosen. Then, you’ll shift that focus to the second medium.

The second key takeaway is that you always need to be looking for what’s next, whether it’s a new medium or changes happening within an old format.

When you see a new type of content becoming popular (e.g., lately video content and podcasts), give it a try because you can always learn something from it to become a better writer.

You should always be testing different ways of reaching your audience.


Being a great writer will be very valuable for the foreseeable future, no matter which industry you work in.

And even if you’re not an experienced writer today, you can become one with practice: all great writers had to start from some point.

If you follow the steps I laid out in this post, I guarantee that in a few years, you will be an excellent writer.

You can use those skills however you please, whether it’s to get more followers, subscribers, a better job, or take your sales to a new level.

If you have any questions about these skills or want to share a story about writing, leave me a comment below.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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