Monday, 19 October 2015

Introduce Mobile Friendly Factors on Your Website to Rank Higher on Google

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Mobile Friendly Factors On Your Website Help Your Website Rank Higher On Google

It is not surprising to see news channels and websites giving hype to even the smallest stories. They can make a small tornado feel like the history’s biggest storm. This is kind of what happened when it was announced that Google was going to bring in the mobile friendly changes in its algorithms. Right after the announcement these websites started flooding with news related to what was going to happen with the newest algorithm update from Google. They went so far that they named this new mobile friendly update from Google Mobilegeddon.

Of course, there were changes made to the algorithms but the impact of these changes was not as drastic as many had made them appear to be. Things changed on the search pages but there was no overkill from Google. It was already advised to website owners that they make their websites mobile friendly and websites that took immediate actions were not affected at all by this update. The ranking for websites that were not mobile friendly dwindled and that was a good lesson for these websites to become mobile friendly soon. Websites that became mobile friendly but did not do it properly also suffered bad rankings.

The newest reports released on search engine rankings show that mobile friendly websites saw improvement in their rankings. The more important thing was that there were now more mobile friendly websites in the top search results than there were in the past. However, this effect was not as big as many had predicted it to be. In fact, for most of the analysts the difference is not noteworthy at all. Before this new update in the search algorithms was made, there were 68 percent websites in the top results that were mobile friendly.

After the update was rolled out the number increased from 68 percent to 71 percent. This increase might not sound big but the fact that Google indexes literally billions of pages, this is a huge increase. What we need to note here is that Google is going to continuously make changes to the algorithms so eventually we will be seeing just the mobile friendly websites in the search results. The big question here is “what is Google looking at to rank the websites as mobile friendly websites?” If we look around we can easily discover what the most important factors are that make your website a mobile friendly website.

User experience or UX has been considered the most important factor in making a website mobile friendly and rise in rankings. The more your website has the factors that make users like it on their smartphones, the higher your website will be ranked by Google. It is best that you introduce more images on the website rather than writing too much text because images can explain things easily and more quickly on a mobile device. It is best that you keep the font of your website big enough to be read easily on small screens.

You can choose to have a dedicated mobile friendly website or create a responsive website to get better rankings. There should be fewer links on the website, links should be easily clickable, images should be of just the right size for users to be able to see them easily on their smartphones. Keep the size of your website pages small and you are sure to get into higher ranked websites. It is because the smaller the size of your website the faster it will load on smartphones. The loading time of your website plays a vital role in its ranking.

It is not that you have to remove everything from your web pages to make them smaller. However, according to the recent study you could have your website rank higher by keeping every web page of your website 25% smaller than the desktop web pages. Statistics have shown it clearly that websites with better loading times are ranking higher on search results from Google. If you talk about backlinks, they are not that important when it comes to the ranking of the website for smartphone users. Backlinks are extremely important for desktop websites though.

Keep as few links on your website as possible because people don’t like to move from page to page on websites when they are on their mobile devices. Even with the rising nofollow links, it has been found in the study that this number is quite low compared to the numbers produced by desktop websites. Furthermore, if you have any links of your web pages to news websites, you can think of removing them. Such links are extremely important for desktop websites but they don’t play any role in taking the ranking of your mobile friendly website higher. It has only been 5 months since the Mobilegeddon update. We might see stricter implementation of this algorithm in future.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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