Monday, 5 October 2015

4 Gadgets You Can Use to Do Your Social Media Marketing on the Go

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One of the greatest things about being in charge of the social media marketing for a company is the flexibility. You can work basically anytime, anywhere to accomplish your tasks. You can even work while you’re on vacation! Just imagine leaning back in a lounge chair with your toes in the sand, sipping an ice cold beverage with the soothing sound of ocean waves in the background. Not many people can say that’s their office view, even if it’s just for a few days.

All you have to do is get the right gadgets, and luckily for you, there are hundreds of tools you can use to complete your work, which makes being a social media marketer a piece of cake.

As a word of caution, note that these devices power your ability to be totally flexible. A social media marketer is only as good as their devices, and for that reason, it’s imperative that you keep these items protected. Look into device protection plans that will cover your devices beyond the manufacturer’s flimsy warranties. An out of commission phone or computer could cause serious problems to you as a social media marketer, so make sure you’re prepared.

As you choose your set of travel-friendly gadgets, consider that the right gadgets will be able to seamlessly integrate wirelessly. That way, if you have things stored on one device, you’ll be able to access them easily, even if you’re not near that particular machine. Apple leads the market with this capability. They offer seamless integration and a whole world of apps to use to make life easier.  If you’re looking for some great social media savvy devices with the power to interconnect, check out this list.

1. iPhone 6 Plus

This phone may be expensive, but it’s wired to be a social media hub. One thing that makes it such a useful tool is the large screen. The screen is 5.5 inches, but the whole device is only 7.1 mm thick, making it one of the thinnest smartphones on the market. The size makes it perfect for attending to social media needs as well as easily staying connected to the office. It’s also water resistant, which is important while traveling, since protection is key.

2. iPad

If you want to make the switch to a tablet to do your work, the iPad is a great choice. Though any tablet will do for completing your social media tasks, Apple is probably the best thanks to its widespread integration. It has the largest number of apps of any network, which means you can connect more social networks and utilize a larger number of tools when using this device.

3. Apple Watch

Though you’ll want to reserve some of the larger tasks for later, the Apple watch is a great way to check notifications on the go. You can easily read and reply to comments, as well as post something simple to your page. It’s great for staying connected, especially when you’re somewhere that you can’t pull out your mobile device or tablet.

4. Macbook Air 13 Inch

Once again, we have an Apple product that’s deemed the best of the best. The Macbook Air is perfect for social media marketers because it’s small, lightweight, and easy to travel with. It also has an exceptionally long battery life and the capacity to hold large programs for photo editing and meme building (such as the Adobe Suite).

With all of these devices, you’ll be able to stay interconnected with your social media responsibilities at all times without a problem. This gives you the flexibility to accomplish your tasks in any setting.

As a side note, you don’t need to use all Apple products to stay connected. It’s true that Apple has the best cloud integration and the largest variety of apps on the market, but if it’s not in the budget for you to choose these devices, there are alternate options.

The important thing is to be able to stay connected, and these gadgets will help make that possible for you as a social media marketer.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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