Thursday, 1 October 2015

Why e-mail marketing is an effective tool to increase your sales

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Many people struggle to answer the question “Which internet marketing tool is the most effective?”. Most of them (even marketing specialists) believe that there is actually no correct answer. But yet, they are wrong.

SeeWhy (Now Hybris)  conducted a research in which they analyzed more than 60 thousands transactions from different sites and here are the results:

  • 56,8% of all the purchases were done thanks to email-marketing;
  • 17 ,9% of all the purchases were provoked by direct entries to the site;
  • 10,3% – search engine queries;
  • 4,8% – contextual advertising;
  • 4,3%  -social media.

As you can see, even though new generation of internet marketing specialists often deeply believe, that email-marketing is a “thing from the past” and social media provoke more sales, digits speak for themselves. Email-marketing is still the most effective way to sell things on the internet.

SPAM and email-marketing

Those two terms are often confused, so to be clear:

SPAM – is a newsletter that no one wants to receive, even if it is distributed among some composed list of users.

Email-marketing is a newsletter sent to users who agreed to receive those letters. So, basically they are interested in product or service you sell. That is the reason why conversion is so significant.

The proper way to use it

Email-marketing however is targeted more on developing relations with already existing clients in order to sell them more, rather than luring new ones.

For example, when you order a coursework from, you are proposed to sign into a newsletter in order to get notifications about future discounts and special offers. If you are a student, who orders a lot from this site, you will probably agree to be aware of possible beneficial propositions. Obviously, you will be ready to buy from them when you will need it.

This is just one of examples, of how email-marketers work. Clearly, they do not use only this approach. Some of them later add a complex system of recommendations to tell you about some other product or service that may interest you. Like, when you order a book from, they will send you a story about other books that might interest you.

Make them love your letters

Offering products and discounts are far not the only way email-marketing is used. It is important to make people read and even enjoy your newsletter.

Sending different tips or smart ways to use a product that has already been purchased is a great way to do it. If your client knows that he or she will surely find something interesting in your letter, you may feel free to offer him or her to buy something from you and chances that they will do it are quite high.


Every letter from you should personalized. It is not a problem at all to track, what interests particular person, depending on what they ordered or added to bookmarks.

Using this information you can optimize your newsletters for their needs.

Email-marketing software

There are many sites, that provide tools for email-marketing. Here are some of them:

They do not only provide tools for composing great persuasive letters. They also provide various services for tracking how your clients perceived them. You can see, what percentage of your followers clicked particular links in the text, or how much time did they spend reading it.

Unlimited opportunities for doing researches.

Once again, email-marketing is not SPAM

You should firstly receive a permission to send your letters, and only after you start mailing people. Only such approach will give you some results. In any other case, your newsletter will be ignored and user will have negative associations with your site. If that happens – there is no way they would ever buy anything from you.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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