Friday, 16 October 2015

Wayne Simmons – Our Fraud Celebrity

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That Awkward Moment When…

Fox Correspondent Wayne Simmons says he is a “Former CIA Operative” and an expert on the CIA when he’s really not. It turns out his 27 years of experience in the CIA was more like 0 years of experience. Awkward. This is fraud. Fraud is worse than saying “I’m not a CIA expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.”

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn. More like Pris-Inn. Federal prosecutors called him out saying all his claims were false. Simmons even used his so-called past to get security clearances and government contracting work. Yikes. He has been arrested for making false statements, major fraud against the United States and wire fraud. Think he’ll tell his cellmates he was a former CIA Operative? Orange is the new black Mr. Simmons. (Source: The Washington Post)

To avoid your Wayne Simmons moment we have a book for that: What Happens In Vegas Stays on YouTube.

Have A Safe Flight

US Airways will be flying their last flight EVER. If your recall US Airways is being rolled under the American Airlines name. The final flight is Flight 1939, representing the year it all began. Today, Flight 1939 will depart out of Philadelphia, fly to San Fransisco, and back to Philadelphia to end their legacy where it all began. Hey US Airways, we think a great going away present would be no delays for the day. No more US DespAir jokes. (Source: CNN)

Quote of the Day: “Netflix is not serious about a theatrical release”

Everyone’s favorite online streaming service, Netflix, wants to try something new…Movie Stars (Cue spirit fingers). Today they released their first film titled, Beasts of No Nation. Well Netflix isn’t just letting people watch this on their laptop screens, they can also see it on the big screen in a theater. Major movie chains (think: AMC, Regal, Cinemark) are refusing to play the Netflix movie and movie theater owners are not happy about the release. Many think that Netflix is not serious because why would people pay for a theater ticket when they can watch it without leaving their house? It’s a good question. Oh, Netflix. (Source: Wired)

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
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