Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Why Should You Use Infographics in Your Marketing Campaign?

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Infographics are truly awesome for the modern marketer. They can be used in order to increase branding and spread awareness in a way that takes advantage of the fact that most internet visitors do not actually want to spend a lot of time reading large blocks of text. Smart marketers have been incorporating infographics in their campaigns for a long time now while beginners do not understand why that happens. If you do not know much about why infographics are so great in the modern marketing world, keep reading!

Benefits Associated With the Use Of Infographics

  • Figures And Data Presented With Ease

Data and statistics are important for people but they do not actually want to get exposed to such information in a bullet point list. Infographics solve the problem by making data appealing to the way. Everything is presented in an attractive way that is quite pleasant for most readers.

  • Really Easy To Share

When you create the infographic, you submit it to various sites and you publish it on your own. When someone sees it, the sharing process is incredibly simple. All that has to be done is to offer the code and to ask the readers to share. That offers backlinks that basically come for free, which is huge for SEO and for awareness.

  • Really Easy To Scan

So much information is available on the internet about the way in which the online user acts. It has been proven that most of the people simply scan content present on pages. You have to realize this as soon as possible. The infographic will allow the visitor to quickly scan the entire content that is offered.

  • Easy To Go Viral

Because of the fact that an infographic is really easy to be shared, an infographic has a much higher possibility of ending up viral. Make sure that the content offered is of a high quality, properly researched and unique.

Professional Infographics

This is something that has to be understood at all costs. You need to always use infographics that are professional and that are designed properly. Not all infographics are going to be effective. Make sure that every single infographic used in a marketing campaign is:

  • Simple – no matter how much information can be offered and how high the value of the content is, the infographic needs to be simple and really easy to follow. Using proper colors and an appropriate font are a necessity.
  • 100% Original – regurgitated content is really boring for the readers. In order to gain attention, it is important that everything is original and properly researched.
  • The appropriate Length – always limit the infographic to 8,000 pixels. You do not need to offer more since that would simply be too long.


On the whole, it is quite obvious that using infographics is a really good idea for any marketing campaign that can use them. The benefits that were mentioned above are quite obvious. Marketers need to find ways to stand out and infographics can help a lot.

from Darlene Milligan http://ift.tt/1N4MO6M via transformational marketing
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1jQcEQP

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