Friday, 16 October 2015

LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Businesses

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LinkedIn is not properly understood by many. This is not a social network that is only suitable for job seekers or professionals. Obviously, there are millions of business professionals that use the network daily for career growth purposes but LinkedIn is basically a social network that is designed for business purposes. This includes benefits for business owners. Many companies can gain a lot from using LinkedIn and here are some marketing tips that you can take into account.

Find Connections and Customers That Are Highly Targeted

When thinking about digital advertising, LinkedIn offers targeting that cannot be matched. The small business can find the exact job role, company size and industry that is more likely to buy a service or a product. As an example, if you want to sell marketing software for US small businesses, the ads that you run can easily be shown just for the companies that have fewer than one hundred employees in the country and that are a part of a specific niche.

Building a Highly Targeted Email Marketing List

It is a really good idea to message the people that you have as connections on LinkedIn. Invite these individuals to join the email marketing list you have set up. You will not be able to add much personalization to the email so be sure that you apologize for this fact. Always mention what will be received when the sign up is done. Also, offer to sign up to one of the newsletters that they have. This works so much better than what many think.

Always Share Relevant Content for Potential Partners

Many underestimate the link sharing option that is available on LinkedIn. This is a huge mistake since you can so easily take advantage of the opportunity to showcase that you are a good source of information for the potential partners, even clients. As an example, let’s say that your business offers accounting services. Why not share a link with the best apps to do taxes? You show that you help those interested and you can gain more connects by simply taking a similar sharing strategy to what you use with Facebook.

Direct LinkedIn Posts

You surely already know about optimizing your LinkedIn company profile from an SEO point of view. If not, you can read this article. Besides this optimization, you can also take advantage of the possibility to add unique content directly on LinkedIn. What is interesting with this option is that content that is of a really high quality will be noticed. That automatically improves visibility and aids you to reach new readers. If that content goes viral, it even brings in automatic SEO benefits for your sites.

Showcase the Employees

Convince your employees to get a LinkedIn account and connect with the company. Complete profiles have to include job history, description, professional connections and suitable photographs. This only makes the entire company look more attractive and interesting. People want to see human companies. This means that they want to see you, the owner, and the people that work for you.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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