Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The 5 Most Important Things You Need to Know About Programmatic Buying

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As online advertising technology progresses further, new strategies are constantly being evaluated to create ad space buying. Media buyers are turning to programmatic ad buying as an additional advertising tool. Some agencies have also chosen to develop their own media trading desks with full access to ad exchanges. In this article, we briefly explain what programmatic ad buying is and the 5 most important things you should know about it.

What is programmatic ad buying
Programmatic buying is a highly powerful automated tool for advertisers. Unlike RTB where a buyer can set a bid price, this tool will actually assess the audience behaviour within the same platform. This means, marketers can define the goals, budget, and attribution model while running dozens of real time based variables on their campaigns. As an online advertiser, you will end up spending more time being creative and less time reviewing data.

Why think programmatic
Speed is perhaps one of the most important things that marketers can rely on when reaching their customers at a moment’s notice. Programmatic brings speed to digital media and makes it highly effective for RTB targets. As a result, brands can engage and identify their audiences in the most advantageous way.

ROI campaign will be stronger through programmatic
As programmatic ad buying trend continues to grow, so will the technology. Online and offline measurement will give advertising companies a better sense of ROI on their adverts. These programmatic ad companies can perform their online and offline measurement effectively with the help of this technology.

Programmatic improves results
Programmatic advertising lets brands pinpoint their target audiences, at the right time, in the right place. This means you can reduce media wastage and improve your buying efficiency. With an integrated inventory scale through mobile programmatic campaign, your targeting will achieve great results.

For ultimate results, integrate programmatic with the rest of the marketing mix
Most online advertisers will tell you that programmatic first began as a performance marketing tool. As it evolved in the past few years, its accountability has managed to deliver media across mobile and TV screens, making it highly attractive for brand building. The flexibility of this advertising strategy makes it easier to integrate it with real-time initiatives. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that media planners can still separate display from mobile, while managing their social advertising at the same time.

Programmatic ad buying is the future

As technology advances, media buyers’ approach to programmatic ad buying becomes more sophisticated. Just recently, a highly advanced eco-system was developed around programmatic with large agencies leading the way for an in-house platform. It is therefore safe to say that this strategy will eventually play a dominant role in the market of online display buying. When you add RTB to social media sites such as Twitter, new strategies show up. Like most advertising trends, programmatic ad buying has evolved so quickly that it’s become an essential tool for every media buyer.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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