Monday, 26 October 2015

Apple’s In Trouble

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Apple’s In Trouble

Apple tried to help people out with one of their new features, Wi-Fi Assist. Apple hoped that Wi-Fi Assist would provide users with an easy and consistent experience by automatically switching to data when Wi-Fi is spotty. Well it turns out people don’t like chewing up their data that much. The problem with Wi-Fi Assist is that users can rack up large phone bills because of data usage. Cue unhappy face. One couple was so angry they decided to file a lawsuit. The couple said Apple should be responsible for their bill, and bills of people in the same situation to the tune, or iTunes, of, $5 million of damages. Want to turn Wi-Fi assist off? Here’s the 1-2-3 Skinny: 1] Go to “Settings” 2] Select “Cellular” 3] Toggle the “Wi-Fi Assist” Button to Off. There, we just saved you a cool $5 million. (Source CNET)

What To Say When The Underdog Wins The Championship Game…

Where did you come from? This is what we can all now say to Bing. Microsoft’s search engine has been trying time and time again to be better than Google but hasn’t been successful. Well, Bing is now making a profit…like a $1 billion profit. For the last four years, Bing had been unprofitable. Microsoft didn’t want to give up on Bing and it looks like their bet is paying off. Bing isn’t people’s go-to search engine but it is pushed to – Microsoft phones, computers, and other products. Google is still dominating the search market at 63.9% but Bing is trailing at 20% and Yahoo is a distant third at 8.1%. For now Microsoft will put a Bing cherry on its search sundae. (Source CNN Money)

Quote of the Day: “The future of television is apps.”

That’s what Apple thinks. Last month, Apple announced the remake of Apple TV and the new improved streaming box. Good news Apple fanatics, you can now preorder Apple TV. The 32G will set you back $149 and the 62G will set you back $199. Apple CEO Tim Cook says that, “it’s the golden age of television.” We’ll see if people actually think so. (Source The Verge)

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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