Friday 24 July 2015

4 Proven Marketing Techniques You Should Try

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Marketing is all about how you present your message to the audience. From that understanding you can see why saying that anything is a “foolproof” marketing plan is a horrible simplification. All marketing plans have their weaknesses and flaws, but some are much more suited to some situations than others. If you’re considering alternative marketing techniques, then you should be looking at what has worked for companies in the past to drive their marketing campaigns viral. Here’s a few marketing techniques that you should look into experimenting with.

1. Less Selling, More Humor: There are customers who actively go on the internet to look at funny ads on YouTube. To them, it’s not about the product, it’s about the entertainment value. Dialing up your entertainment value and dialing down the cold-selling tone will always get you more views and shares. The problem with this is that it can backfire horribly. If a group perceives your advertisement as being patronizing or downright mean, you can face some serious social media fallout for it. For a large company this might not be such a disastrous situation, but it could brand a small company negatively for years to come. To avoid this problem, make sure you do all the research pertaining to your ads and your target demographic.

2. Become an Expert: Expert opinions go a long way both in regular life and in academic circles. This method may require a lot of research on your part as well as interpretation of papers or other technical data. If you are versed in understanding information presented about your niche and can repackage this in a more palatable form for the average Everyman reader, then you’ll have managed to start on the path of becoming an expert. Free information is never a bad thing and your customers will appreciate that you’ve offering them such a valuable resource for free.

3. Tweet like you mean it: Social media interaction with customers is as at an all-time high as more businesses are leaning towards social media to generate a rapport with their target audience and learn from their dislikes. Interaction with your customer base usually revolves around a particular tweet, either by yourself or by a customer. Instead of letting customers dictate the pace of your interactions, taking the initiative and tweeting first will spawn interactions with a large volume of your follower base. This will help you to build your interaction level and grow your visibility as well.

4. Don’t Count out Email Yet: Dozens of social media gurus have stated unequivocally that email marketing is dead. It really isn’t, you just have to be a lot more competitive in what you offer your readers through email than you had before. Personalized emails and emails that focus on a specific theme and make your audience feel engaged is what you should be going for. Dispense with the small talk and get down to the meat of the matter. Your readers probably don’t have the time or the effort to read sixteen pages of email to get the point you’re making. Be concise and make them feel as though they’re important and you’d be surprised at the kind of return email marketing still has in it.

Try the Old as Well as the New

Marketing techniques don’t stay stagnant forever, and there are much wilder ways out there to make customer impact. You can probably do a case study on the more bizarre ways that companies got their name out into the mainstream. These four are tried and tested methods that do work if done properly. The hardest part is getting started on them.

from Darlene Milligan via tips for small business growth
from Tumblr

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