Friday, 26 February 2016

5 Tech Entrepreneur’s to Follow in 2016

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Every second day, we wake up to a new marvel of technology making life easier, thanks to the abundance of energy and technical prowess that is around today. And it takes a person with technical bent of mind and the spirit to follow the possibility is required. We are looking at a list of 5 tech entrepreneurs who have inspired either by deed or speech or both to inspire people: -

1)      Dena Marrinucci

The fight against cancer has received a serious boost. Dena Marrinucci’s start-up claims to be able to detect cancer at an early stage without biopsy. It is more efficient than conventional biopsy. Compared to a conventional biopsy which detects cancer after it has grown significantly, her method is capable of detecting it at an incredibly nascent stage. She uses newer methods like protein expression in cells to achieve her results, beyond the conventional biological markers for detection.

Instead of trying to explain the working, it is easier to refer to her own words: “By the time you see cancer cells on a PET or CT scan, there are thousands of them, and that’s what we are trying to change.”

Follow this incredible woman at:

2)      Lars Blackmore

If you ever thought science fiction can be reality, then here is an entrepreneur who shares the spirit. Lars Blackmore is working on ensuring space travel is commercially feasible by reducing the cost involved. How? He is working on ensuring that rockets once used are not done with; they can land back on earth without damage and reused- easier said than done.

Major cost of rockets are actually into building it and not fuel. So if he succeeds, space travel could become a daily routine or a special holiday getaway. And his algorithm is inching towards perfection every day.

To know how close dream to reality is, follow him:

3)      Travis Deyle

Isaac Asimov’s famous robot series had many people fancying the chances of a world with robots helping humanity in achieving better life. Travis Deyle brings home the theory into practice. He has already made robots that run through wireless technology. His robots are capable of bringing people their due medication in due time for consumption.

Currently, he is working with Google to explore further possibilities with robots. In his own words:

“Almost every field can benefit from robotics.” & “Improving people’s lives is the key thing.”

To know how he is progressing, look him up at:

4)      Rahul Panicker

A man who has given life to innumerable new born babies- literally, by simply figuring out the practical gap between technical knowledge and real life situation. More than a century ago we learnt that for premature babies to survive, additional warmth is required. And yet, they died due to not the lack of high cost of the incubators available in this century but the lack of technical expertise to operate them.

From his own experience during a project in Nepal, Rahul Panicker decided to do something about it and he did. He designed low cost incubators that can be operated by a non-expert easily, keeping the cost at 1% to traditional solutions. The incubator runs without electricity for up to 6 hours! His message to the world: -

“I hope future generations look to us as role models and take inspiration to go down the route of social entrepreneurship.”

Follow this amazing man to be inspired:

5)      Yevgen Borodin

To help physically challenged people has always been one of the foremost goals of ever advancing technology. With the digital world emerging as the vital life force of commerce, economy and even social platform, it was becoming increasingly difficult to provide people with blindness a level playing field with the rest.

This was until Yevgen Borodin came up with his invention and commercialized it. There were software solutions always provided to help the blind operate computers, but none as effective as Yevgen’s product. Since its introduction in 2014, millions of downloads have taken place all over the world.

Follow him to know when he might get top his next goal- optical character recognition and speech to text technology in a new look.

His twitter profile:

Look further into the blogging mind of an entrepreneur as Richart Ruddie provides random anecdotes on business, technology, entrepreneurship, and everyday living advice that is helpful for a lucrative 2016.


from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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