Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Hot Twitter Updates in 2016

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Hot Twitter Updates in 2016

Twitter will be undergoing some big updates in 2016 comparative of Kim Kardashian’s  before and after pictures. One of the biggest updates will deal with how Twitter delivers tweets to your newsfeed. The second update will be an addition to Twitter’s current advertising platform.

1. Update #1 Twitter announced they’ll be revamping its news feed using an algorithmic approach similar to what Facebook has been doing since 2015. The update will be optional so users can opt in for the update or keep the old school form. It aims to give users content that Twitter thinks is more relevant to them. Which is similar to what we’ve already been experiencing with the “while you were away tweets.”

However some folks are fighting the update, over the weekend the hashtag #RIPTwitter started trending. To diffuse emotions CEO Jack Dorsey commented, “Twitter is live. Twitter is real-time. Twitter is about who & what you follow. And Twitter is here to stay! By becoming more Twitter-y.” The official release date for the new algorithm has yet to be released. So we all have to stay tuned. (Source The Verge)

As we all know Twitter is a great platform for engaging with your customers and opening up two-way communication. So Twitter’s next update is more so a game changer for advertisers and marketers since it’ll be affecting the current advertising platform. We recently got the scoop after chatting with marketing expert Nicole Larrauri from EGC.

2. The #2nd Update referred to as the “brand enthusiast gallery” was revealed at last month’s Consumer Electronics Show. According to Twitter it’s a way for advertisers to incorporate tweets from everyday people into their ad campaigns. The gallery houses tweets revolving around your brand and you can pay to use them as endorsements. Twitter will notify you when you’re being mentioned or when new tweets are archived. If you choose to use one of the tweets you simply direct message the user and request permission.

The update is all about “keeping the conversation open” and making an authentic connection with users. Twitter hopes this will help brands connect with a wider range of people. The price to use one of the aggregated tweets will be the same as the cost for a promoted tweet. As of now Twitter has not commented on a live release date but it’s safe to say advertisers are pretty stoked. (Source DigiDay)

2016 is going to be a big year for Twitter and we can expect to see the changes continue to roll on in. So strap your seatbelts on because this year we’ll be experiencing an even faster social media roller coaster. And if you missed it here’s an infographic with 2016 social media stats marketers should know!

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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