What to Say When Your Friends Talk Through the Super Bowl Ads…
Can you please go refill the guacamole? Today is everyone’s favorite holiday, the day where we talk about Super Bowl ads. A record was set yesterday with around 60% of individuals watching Super Bowl ads on their smartphones and tablets rather than PCs. PepsiCo’s, Doritos and Allstate’s Esurance were social media favs. If you remember, the Doritos commercial was staged at an ultrasound with the father munching on the Doritos, the pregnant mother chastising her husband and the baby uncanningly taking a plunge for the chips. Esurance won over tweeters with their #EsuranceSweepstakes. The Super Bowl ads have already tallied a million hours of viewership and YouTube saw an increase of 25% over last year. Hyundai’s “The Chase” is the most viewed and Mountain Dew’s #puppymonkeybaby ad was well…weird. Maybe the controversial ad was just the right amount of Buzz the company was hoping for. Miss the big game? Ads? We of course have you covered. We put together a list of the most talked about Super Bowl ads, check it out here. (Source Forbes)
Barbie has recently taken on a whole new makeover, but Hijarbie has taken over Instagram. This Barbie-inspired doll takes on a Muslim look complete with a headscarf and modest attire. Reminder that Mattel, the makers of Barbie, received many complaints around Barbie’s impossibly perfect figure sending the wrong message to impressionable girls. Cue Mattel making a multitude of different skin tone and body shaped barbies.
The designer of Hijarbie, Nigerian medical scientist Haneefah Adam, felt as if it was important to express her heritage since a Muslim Barbie wasn’t part of Mattel’s new lineup. So she hand designed modest clothes that she would wear, put them on a Barbie doll and posted it to Instagram. She says, “the outfits were inspired by the normal everyday look of the ‘hijabi girl’. Adam is also launching Hanie, a modest clothing line for her Hijarbie dolls. “I think this is a great platform to try and get the Muslim identity to the world and correct some misconceptions,” said Adam. Some people believe women are forced to cover up and wear headscarves, when rather it is a religious choice. Check out her page @Hijarbie. (Source CNN)
Quote of the Day: “You think my Chinese is bad?”
Mark Zuckerberg sports his fluency in Mandarin as he wishes everyone a Happy New Year with his wife and son. Today marks the Chinese New Year and the Zuckerberg family filmed a video of themselves talking about the big day all in Mandarin. They even went on to say they were planning on inviting some top notch chefs from China to the Facebook HQ so everyone could enjoy a variety of different cuisines. Even baby Max was granted a chinese name, Chen Mingyu. How cute. (Source Tech Times)
from Darlene Milligan http://ift.tt/20kD8Yd via transformational marketing
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1nZwACI
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