Friday, 18 September 2015

Apple and Samsung Go To Court

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Everyone knows that Apple and Samsung do not get along – even though some iPhone parts have historically come from Samsung. Apple is always unveiling cool new things then Samsung decides that they should do the same. Well, Apple was getting a bit frustrated by this and decided to file a lawsuit. Four years of courtrooms and judges later and a decision was made. (Source: CNN)

What to do when someone just won’t stop copying you

Federal court appeals decided on Tuesday that Samsung will have to change their software so it does not replicate Apple iPhone features. Samsung had stuff like slide to unlock, autocorrect and quick link software which Apple had first. Samsung was ahead of the game and had already changed these before the court ruling, it’s like they knew that was going to happen. (Source: CNN)


Apple, taking the position of benevolent big brother, said they did not want to take Samsung devices off the shelves. They just want them to be their own thing and not copy them. Sounds fair. Samsung only ended up having to pay Apple a tenth of what they asked for – a mere $120 million for violating Apple’s patents (Source: CNN). Costs a lot of apples to be a copycat.

Quote of the Day: “Yeah, I’ll pick up a six-pack.”

Amazon is preparing for holiday shopping. Earlier this week they announced their new tablet. The 7-inch Fire tablet with a price tag that isn’t going to break the bank at $49.99. Yes, that is correct $50. And it even comes in a six-pack for just under $250 – cheers!. The tablet has a front and rear camera, quad-core processor and up to 128 gigabytes of storage. If you are interested in buying a six-pack for your holiday party, pre-order is up and they will ship September 30th. Bottoms up! (Source: USA Today)

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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