Thursday, 10 September 2015

Taking Your Corporate Events Social to Achieve Higher ROI

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If you are hosting a corporate event, chances are you have put a decent amount of money into it. You need to pay for things like a location, equipment, staffing, food, and many other things, and the final bill is unlikely to be cheap. However, you are doing all of this in the hopes that it will yield you a decent ROI, so that you can generate more business for your company. One way of making your corporate event even more profitable is to incorporate social media into it. By taking your corporate event social, you are likely to increase your return, while keeping your investment small.


There are several reasons why you should incorporate a social element into your corporate events. First and foremost, is that it will allow you to reach a wider audience. Not everyone is going to be able to travel to your event, so by using social media, you can reach people who were unable to attend. Now instead of only getting a few local businesses to show up, your event can be shared with hundreds of companies all over the world. The second reason is that utilizing social media is simple to do. Using just the bare minimum would require a few of your staff members to be on social media accounts talking about the event, and even doing just this will have a large impact.

Social media apps on your phone make sharing events like these easier than ever before, so you don’t need to be an expert to add a social media element to your event. Lastly, there is the cost. Having your staff use apps on their phones is probably not going to cost you much, and yet the return could be great.

If you want to do more than that, MIG.CC is a leader in corporate event production.  They are the type of firm that will handle everything for you. This will obviously raise the cost a little bit more, but it will also increase the return.

Once you’ve decided that you want to add a social media element to your event, there are a few ways to get started. First, we suggest signing up for Twitter if you haven’t already, and using it to promote your event. Create Hashtags MONTHS prior to the event to get your event trending as it nears. Possibly advertise a tad on Twitter / FB as well. Post up signs around the event informing your guests of the hashtag so that they can also use it to discuss your event on Twitter.

After that, we recommend looking into the Twitter companion app Periscope. This app is used for live streaming, and is very easy to use. All you need is for someone to walk around the event using the app, showing anyone who would like to watch what is going on. If there are presentations or speeches being given, have this person broadcast it live through the app. Encourage other people at the event to use this app as well to increase your exposure.

The last method we suggest for going social is to set up a YouTube live event. For this you will most likely need a bit of equipment to ensure that the quality of the broadcast is good. The benefit of using YouTube is that it will allow for potentially millions of people to watch the broadcast at the same time, right from their smartphone or computer. It also allows for a better quality than apps like Periscope. If your event is going to have a lot of speakers and presentations, and you think there will be a wide audience interested in hearing them, then setting up a YouTube event may be the way to go.

Adding a social element to your event is one of the best ways that you can promote it. Social media has a way of reaching an unprecedented amount of people, and by tapping into its potential, you are increasing the exposure that your event receives. Best of all is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to have a good social presence, so you can really increase your ROI. So the next time you are planning an event, look for ways to increase your social outreach if you really want it to be a success.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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