Wednesday 2 September 2015

Surprise From Google

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Google surprised searchers on Wednesday, September 1st with a shiny brand new logo. After using the same serif typeface for the past 16 years it seems that Google was a little bored with it and switched to a “Product Sans” font for a cleaner, simpler look (Source: Business Standard) real simple like daycare crayon simple.

But the change!

As with any change from a popular company, sometimes more than others *cough Facebook*, people like to share their opinions. Google got some mixed reviews on the new look. Ultimately the change of look doesn’t matter because in 3 days people will forget what it used to look like (Source: TechCrunch).


In a blog post Google said, “As you’ll see, we’ve taken the Google logo and branding, which were originally built for a single desktop browser page, and updated them for a world of seamless computing across an endless number of devices and different kinds of inputs (such as tap, type and talk).”  They also included this video showcasing how Google has evolved over the years. Looks like Google has their own new back to school look.

Quote of the Day: “Get that in a dash!”

Amazon released their Dash buttons back in March. These buttons allow users to instantly order products with the click of a button in order to never run out and to keep Amazon a go to purchaser for consumers. The buttons were invitation only until today, leading to good news for all Prime users! Now any Amazon Prime member can pay $4.99 to have access to purchase water, toilet paper, gum, trash bags and other household essentials at the tip of their fingertips…literally (Source: USA TODAY).

Term of the Day: “Saved by the Bell”

Remember that smug kid Zach on Saved by the Bell? Ever wonder where the show’s name, or that term came from? Here you go … England is small so they needed to reuse coffins and the gravesite. When they dug up the coffins they found that 1 out of 25 had scratch marks on the inside. They realized they were burying people alive!

So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, thread it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to listen for the bell; thus someone could be,”Saved by the Bell ”or was considered a ”Dead Ringer.” Now all this Zombie talk makes a little more sense.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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