Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Juxtapose Data and Produce Extremely Viral Content

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When I first started my freelancing career online my focus was simple – write about the subject or product. This I did but along the way I learned about style, tone and number of words involved and I incorporated them whenever the occasion arose. But it wasn’t until I came face to face with content marketing that my antennae really started buzzing and focusing.

At the time (2013-2014) the subject was new and along with Google’s textual changes introduced earlier, which more or less revolutionized the standard and quality of written content, I became immersed in the milieu of content change and upgrading. An almost similar scenario to being part of a software development services set up where change and up-grading commonly take place.

The striking thing about the changes was the repeated call for top quality content to make it with the search engines along with other SEO tricks and techniques and that was when I realized the content I was writing was boring. No, not only boring but also downright dead! I had to upgrade my style of writing.

This later changed to not just top quality content but for extraordinary top quality content that saw me look down the barrel of content marketing, now the pick of the cream of writing, if you want to excel yourself at writing online. If you succeeded with writing up content marketing text you’ve made it but if not, you might as well go up in a puff of smoke as far as the clients are concerned.

Thankfully I survived the sudden onrush of changes but I now also know that apart from content marketing to make your writing marketable, there is also room to learn about how to use data in different ways and turn it into a dynamic marketable tool with interaction as the focus. Doubtful of your can do abilities? Well there’s nothing a software development services company can’t handle.

Data always abounds wherever you are whether at home or at work and with the PC at your disposal, data prevalence is a ubiquitous reality and the beauty of it is you can gain access to all types of data on the market and on competitors both locally and overseas.

And data gathering and usage needn’t be boring but can be turned into something exciting and useful to customers. How? Well, data is always interesting especially if you’ve accessed it for the first time and it proves interesting. To make it more so expertise and creativity can be put to work.

Data, for instance, can be juxtaposed to reveal very interesting comparative details about salaries locally and at some other location for the same or different jobs. These can be presented in such an engaging way so as to make viewers want to stay focused and realize their specific goals.

Data presentation even if produced by a also needn’t be dry and boring. They can be presented with zest in an easy to understand manner that customers will find attractive and enticing. Data can be turned into something fun to listen to, digest and act upon instead of being just a list of static and boring figures.

Data treated and presented in this fashion will go a long way in furnishing customers with exactly the kind of information they need in making an informed decision and achieve positive results. They will definitely want to learn as much as they can (the presentation is superb) and benefit from the data.

The presentation of data with the use of infographics is yet another captivating technique that can also capture the attention of your customers. They can trace historical trends in demand and sales that would otherwise prove boring if only figures were presented without an historical account.

Data presented in consort with storytelling can boost the quality of your content marketing threefold simply by portraying and explaining a brand in a human context and tying the brand to customers. This process makes a particular brand totally relevant to the world at large.

If the above two techniques in the use of data are not to your liking, there is always the potential for using a gaming approach in the use of available data. There are numerous versions of the type of games that can be thought up and popularized online with the aid of the social media platforms.

Using geographical data can be fun and educational at the same time with the use of an interactive map to help put some reality and interest into the equation. Improvise by trying to figure out where to spend a quiet weekend on a realistic budget and get away from it all and enjoy a carefree break.

The real potency of data lies in what customers want and expect from the data presented to them and if you are faced with problems, any software development services company can supply you with just the right app you need to have your data gyrating and doing all sorts of data configuring.

from Darlene Milligan via transformational marketing
from Tumblr

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